I have the crysis demo.
I have an 8800 and 2 gigs of ram, and yeah, it eats it up quite a bit. I can play it on high (with a couple of settings on max and one or two on medium), but not max. I'm hoping some more RAM might help.
Though I read in an interview that I have almost the exact same specs that Crytek use to play it on max, so it's a little bit annoying.
Not to mention, the demo is full of graphics glitches. For half of it I had a load of pictures of trees and clouds layed out in a grid over my screen, but only over the sky, if I looked at the ground they dissapeared, they were only over the horizon.
And the game has unbelievably hyped up physics. I threw a plastic bottle at a barrel, the barrel went flying and smashed a fence.
Overall, it's good, it'll obviously be much better once the graphics are sorted. I think I'll probably get it. But I have the TimeShift demo too, which thought was a little better (no glitches, more interesting gameplay, no to mention I could play it on max graphics and it still ran beautifully, it loked fantastic!) So that takes priority on my list of games to get.
I promisse, that wasn't intended to be a full review of the demo when I started, it just sorta happenmed xD