I like yours Seppuku the entire castle style looks awesome, I might as well show what I have so far, and yes for anyone clever enough to notice, these first four buildings are from one of the digital tutors training dvd's (the last one I have left now
I am so incredibly broke right now) And no, I am not just going to copy the dvd and call that my entry, I'm actually going to model these first four first, and then make an entire city in this style (which is NOT in the dvd) and also I'll see if I can fit some interiors in there as well.
And the no poly count limit is a god send
so might as well post some screens of what I have so far, and these are work in progress mind you, only worked on this for maybe 3 hours or whatever =) So the roofs are basically non existant on the back two ones and I have to add some balconies and some stuff that isn't covered by the dvd, and also obivously the other buildings of the city.
And I'll see if I'll get my entry textured when it's done.