I fixed the SkyEdit issue just now and re-uploaded it. In addition, depth 0 no longer crashes, but defaults to 1. Also additionally in addition
, the default background is "earth" and the default depth is "100", plus these values aren't cleared when you reinput them. It's nice.
My black hole scene: It started as 2 opposable swirley blue twirls, like the nexus-y swirley parts of a Mandelbrot fractal. It looked cloudy and kind of like an old twilight zone special effect. That was just a prototype effect though, and I may make it look more realistic later. By this, I mean I'll have a binary star system (for effect) where one of the stars has collapsed into a black hole and the other is sucking in gas, photons, generic matter. There will be an event horizon and thus an area in the middle that is pitch black. The gravity in the level will probably be randomly fluctuating or pulsating, just to make things strange. What lies through the black hole? Well, you'll see eventually...