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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Squadron AIU - Dark Storm

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Posted: 20th Dec 2009 00:30 Edited at: 20th Dec 2009 00:37

The second mission is coming along nicely and the progress is good, it is still far from complete. I have got the basic floor plan completed and starting to add some more details in terms of items and lights. I have posted a screenshot of part of the game hope you like it.

This is using comics lastest pack, which is really good.


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Braden 713
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Posted: 20th Dec 2009 06:38
Oh cool! Awesome to see Cosmic's brilliant pack aleady in use. I'm really looking forward to playing the next update man, glad to hear things are coming along swimmingly


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Posted: 20th Dec 2009 12:46
Are still creating this?
Your website is down and ill try the game whenever i get a chance. Modern day weapons for a sci-fi game?! oh dear please change them.
Liked the idea about the launcher.


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2009 11:14
Deathcow, as I see you may have missed my post.
The tip was not about the design/gameplay etc. As I had fun playing. More so the health of the friendly AI at the start of the demo.
I noticed they were holding a different wep. I took them all down and collected enough ammo to finish the game using their wep.
Your call, just letting you know what I did.

demo released.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2009 11:43 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2009 11:44
Hi Defy

Sorry I didn't mean to ignore your post, I did read.

You may have noticed that most of the bad guys have the Ingram which is the most inaccurate weapon with a wide scatter of bullets. This was intended as I what the player to have to work to get the better weapons like the G3 which can kill in about 3 or 4 shots. My thinking was more to give the player feeling that there were lots of weapons, but only a handful of really good weapons. So they that they didn't waste ammo, but more used the best weapon for the job.

You feedback is very useful and I would be pleased if you could send me your tips I will take them on board. It is great that you took the time to play the game, especially someone who had got a BOTB.

Many thanks


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2009 11:56
No worries Deathcow.
Please note I didn't intend on not playing your game as intended, it was something I thought of doing after the first enemy and retraced my steps. There is a way to avoid this though.
And thanks, I would be happy to assist. I guess email is the best option.

demo released.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2009 01:17
Hi Defy

I have to apologize; I clearly misunderstood what you were telling me. I had just tested the game again tonight. The friendly AI at the start shouldn’t have been able to be killed, but I hadn’t changed their health to zone. Thanks for pointing this out. I was thinking I had already done this.
I had amused you more feedback when you had said about emailing them. Off course reporting any problems on this thread is best for everyone to see the progress.

Again Thanks for pointing out this bug, which I think is a major bug as the player shouldn’t be able to kill friendly NPCs.

Many Thanks


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Posted: 14th Feb 2010 08:16

A new version is now been updated and can be downloaded from the top of the thread. It is a pretty major update with allot of redesign and improvement which I hope everyone will like. Feedback would be great if anyone has the time.



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Posted: 15th Feb 2010 18:09
I have added a new build to the main thread.



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Posted: 15th Feb 2010 18:14
Downloading to check out.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2010 17:04
i want more screens

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Posted: 27th Feb 2010 03:15 Edited at: 27th Feb 2010 03:24

Just an update of the progress to date. I have almost finished the Docks mission and started work on the Mining mission which is almost done, but is playable. I have started the second level of the training mission which I will upload some screenshots to get a feel of how it should look.




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Posted: 27th Feb 2010 03:19 Edited at: 27th Feb 2010 03:22
Also I have redone the starting location of level one for the Docks mission. It should give it abit more of a Sci fi feel. Also the flying cars do in fact fly above the player which looks great.



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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 11:40
i like the look of it, my only bug is the way you've connected the thrustes to the blimps, its way to rough you should redo that and maybe add some further definition to the highlights and shadows in their textures
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 06:54
I love the first screen! The second is awesome too, but the 1st one kicks ass!

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Posted: 4th Mar 2010 02:47
Thanks for the comments guys. The first screenshot is the training mission which I have to say I'm enjoying building it. I hopefully the able to release the full game in the next month. The plan is to have 1 training mission, 3 combat missions and maybe Zombie world, but I haven't decided if I'll add the last one.


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Posted: 14th Mar 2010 00:12 Edited at: 14th Mar 2010 00:12
Another Update on the Mines mission. Hope the Screenshot is to everyones liking?



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starmind 001
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Posted: 14th Mar 2010 02:47
Very nice DC! I like what you are doing with this.

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Posted: 14th Mar 2010 11:06

That's just so awesome...

Butt monkey
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Posted: 14th Mar 2010 13:11
This is looking very, very nice. I love the environments. Have you considered getting yourself some sci-fi guns and some new arm textures? I just can't help but feel that from the videos they are the only things that seem out of place.
charger bandit
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Posted: 14th Mar 2010 17:05
Very awesome game.Cant wait for more screens.

A.K.A djmaster
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Posted: 15th Mar 2010 01:28
Thanks guys for the comments. I'm still working on this game and it is slowly coming together. I'm hoping in the next week or two to have it close to being finished for the first two missions. Then to release them.

I'll hopefully have more screenshots soon.


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Posted: 15th Mar 2010 03:22
Reminds me of Borderlands.

Very cool.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2010 13:50
Hi All

I have updated the game to version 170, but there are still a couple of things I wish to sort out. Audio being the main one now. I’m finishing of the last level of the second mission and it should be interesting it is going to be completely different from the first mission. It will different in terms of game play and style. The third mission is still on the drawing board, but I have a couple of ideas of how I will like to have it, watch this space.

The new Download link is at the first post.


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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 06:00
I rather much enjoy this game. I played an older version back then. I must say though it's looking great. Downloading 170

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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 14:47
Hi Soviet176

I hope you enjoy this new version, if you could give some feedback on it is would be greatly welcomed.

Kind Regards


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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 17:44
I just played the game. The maps are pretty good, and you could form it into a great game, however, there are some elements in the game which cripple it's performance greatly, and so, I had to quit.

Lives is one. Remove the lives bit of the HUD, and give him 1 life, but more health, and put more medkits/health packs/heal zones in the maps.

Sounds, theese are TERRIBLE. Music is always better than silence, and it doesn't take much effort to go into audacity and have some fade-in effects and some conversion going on.

Mouse-sensitivty. This really annoyed me, as the mouse sensitivity is not high enough for a normal FPS.

Weapons, while theese are great, if you die you loose your weapon. Changing the lives and health as I said above will help this greatly.

Also, whenever you have a puzzle (like the one where you have to stack the boxes up?) make sure there's enough light to complete the puzzle. It's annoying as hell otherwise. Also, using a strong blue light highlights important things around the map, and I urge you to use this technique. (As in, the 1st weapon you come in to contact with? Took me 5 mins to find it.).

I played through about 2 of the levels, until I was forced to quit. (Spawned with no weapon, there was only ammo.)

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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 18:36 Edited at: 1st Apr 2010 18:37
Thanks DocSpoc for taking the time play the game. Some of the issues you have highlight do need sorting.

The issue of losing your weapons on respawn is an issue with the engine and hopefully once 117 is released it will be resolved. The Mouse is set to the max, but I understand again with the new updates Lee is adding to 117 we'll hopefully see big improvements.
I totally agree with the audio it does need improvement. Now that I'm happy with the level design and I plan on dealing with the anoying audio which has been highlighted many times, so I better get my figure out as they say.

Again thanks for taking the time for the feedback it is very useful.

Kind Regards


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Posted: 5th Apr 2010 04:15
Looking great as always, can't wait to see more

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Posted: 6th Jun 2010 06:43
The pics look awsome, but what r the system requirments?

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