I plan to make it open source so you all can mod it, so yes.
Development News (11/29/10)
Here is what was done today:
ADDED Enemy gets hit (Enemy impact).
BUG Enemy stops attacking once hit.
BIG Enemy doesn't die once health reaches zero.
SOLUTION Upgrade enemy functions to be compatible with Ally Functions 2.0 (AF2)
Tomorrow's to do list:
UPGRADE Enemy Functions to Enemy Functions 2.0 (EF2)
ADD New EF2 functions and abilities.
AF1 Functions List:
MakeAlly(allyno,x,y,z) - Creates ally and idles.
AllyHit(allyno as integer) - Ally receives impact from enemy.
AllyAttackMode(allyno as integer) - Ally attacks enemies.
AllyDie(allyno as integer) - Ally dies.
AllyMove(allyno as integer,zdestination as integer) - Ally will move on the z axis only.
AF2 Functions List:
MakeAlly(allyno,x,y,z) - Creates ally and appends all animations to one object. Thanks baxslash.
AllyImpact(allyno) - Ally receives impact and plays animation, then goes back to attack mode, if health is zero, ally dies.
AllyAttack(allyno) - Ally attacks enemies with animation.
KillAlly(allyno) - Ally dies and plays death animation, then lies there. (Will soon disappear after so many seconds)
AllyMove(allyno,destx (soon),desty (soon),destz) - Ally moves to given location in 3d space with walking/running animation.
MonitorAlly(allyno) - Monitors all ally statistics.
MakeAllyHealthBar(allyno) - Creates health bar over given ally.
Sub _mousefunctions - Allows the selection of allies on the screen.
EF1 Functions List:
MakeEnemy(enemyno,x,y,z) - Creates enemy and idles.
EnemyHit(enemyno as integer) - Enemy receives impact from ally.
EnemyAttackMode(enemyno as integer) - Enemy attacks allies.
EnemyDie(enemyno as integer) - Enemy dies.
EnemyMove(enemyno as integer,zdestination as integer) - Enemy will move on the z axis only.
Upgrading EF1 should not be very time consuming at all and I look forward to accomplishing it tomorrow, but it is bed time now, I have school in the morning. I will probably release more combat screenshots tomorrow.