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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] [x9] Dark house WIP

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Posted: 28th May 2011 11:36
Seriously, this is freaking awesome. I have been following this since the start and i await its release with baited breath ^^

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Posted: 28th May 2011 17:41 Edited at: 28th May 2011 18:03
This last shot is impressive. It just oozes character. What a difference between using the stock engine - segments, lighting, etc - and creating a custom game. When you hear someone say "You get out of it what you put into it." this is what they're talking about. Just beautiful, in a creepy kind of way.

I love how my attention is drawn to the portrait.


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Posted: 28th May 2011 20:42
I think you have to talk about selling your game to bigfish.

I think they will like and maybe buy it from you.

If you sell this to a big site like bigfish then more people will play and buy and you will earn more money.

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Posted: 29th May 2011 02:57
Big Fish doesn't "buy" games, they publish them. They are also exclusively casual. Blitz1up, Meridian4 or Matrix Games are a better way to go for this type of game.

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Posted: 29th May 2011 16:03
Quote: "Big Fish doesn't "buy" games, they publish them."

Oh I thought they buy it then they publish.By buying I mean buying the rights of publish.
Maybe they work with percentage of prices.I mean for example from each download 50% of the price will go to the game designers bank account and 50% will be for Bigfish.
And Bigfish was an example and Rolfy will choose the best way.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 13:52
This is very good Rolfy

Is there a chance that you would release as a horror pack and the interactive hand part as a tutorial on how this was all created?

It would make a great pack and you could sell as multi parts of the same pack - Horror entities, Horror segments, Horror scripts.

I for one would pay for all these packs included in your tech demo.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 17:21
That last screenshot looks like a picture... or atleast definitely NOT FPSC! Oustanding work here Rolfy, Hope you can keep it up!

2 Questions:
1. What program are you using for the bakes? 3DS Max?
2. Are the levels all done with one map or are all the models textures separate? Sorry, but Ive never done baking before


For KeithC
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Posted: 1st Jul 2011 20:41 Edited at: 1st Jul 2011 20:46
Quote: "Are the levels all done with one map or are all the models textures separate? "

The entire scene is built within Max, models are seperate enities and not one complete mesh so have their own textures.
As things have went along I have realised to get better texture resolution with baking, maodels should be broken down further. The floor can be a single 4096x4096 texture and resolution is fine, this texture is applied to 20x20 segments area which all rooms sit upon and is reusable as all segments share the same mapping (I can bake the 4096x4096 map and simply change the file paths in the segment fps's to reuse the floors for each level). In this way the scene all fits incredibly tight together, as I say I am now getting better results with each new attempt.
The demo was done using one large model for all walls and ceiling throughout the entire level and so texture res wasn't great but I didnt worry about that at this point.

I will probably pack up some of this stuff for sale but mostly they wouldnt fit into normal FPSC use, you can use multi textured objects and combine these when outputting baked, some of it could be adapted but not all.
As for the interactive system it wasn't easy to implement and for every success I ran into another issue needing solved, its not for the casual user but I will probably release something related and a tutorial for more advanced folks when I find time.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 22:54
Very Very Very good job Rolfy!

What i love:
- The ambiance of just the whole thing, which makes it more scary
- Just the outside level, it's great you figured out how to keep a good framerate!
- And the rest of the game in general is outstanding, especially the interactive part!

When will this game be released? Will it be free or will i have to buy it?

Anyways really good job rolfy, im hoping that there will be more screenshots?

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2011 19:12
Yes, I'm interested in how this comes along aswell


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Posted: 4th Jul 2011 00:15
Just got back to TGC forums after some time off and this is the 1st thing i get to see, wow rolfy putting fpsc to great use showing all what can be done with the engine, nice one

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Posted: 9th Jul 2011 11:10 Edited at: 9th Jul 2011 11:11
Nice to see you around again
I've been taking a little break from this for a few but ready to get back into it again soon.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2011 01:28 Edited at: 9th Aug 2011 05:33
This is just amazing rolfy. Forgive me for my stupidity but, what do you mean by baking? Also, if you were to make an illumination, how would you do it? Sorry to ask, but I have just been dying to know.

On a side note, I was trying to play the demo and I couldn't get it to load at all. No idea why though. It just stops near the very end. Here are my specs:


I tried a third time and it worked just fine.

God help me, Please.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 05:00 Edited at: 11th Aug 2011 05:45
I explained how levels are created and exported then imported into FPSC earlier in this thread. But since the demo's been around for a while now no harm in showing a couple of screenshots of it in progress.

This is in fact a film/animation technique, to cut down on render time, and not really intended for game level design.

The entire scene is modeled,textured and lit, then shadows are baked into textures before export.

All parts of the scene are imported into FPSC and rebuilt.
All entity's and segments use an illumination shader to make them full bright, lights are placed where lights were in original modeled scene to cast light on characters and weapons but a very low res 64x64 lightmap texture with a quality setting of 2 is all thats required as shadows already exist in the models textures.
The floor is a 100 segment prefab which uses a shared 4096x4096 single baked texture.

I gat a lot of this
To anyone asking how to bake textures or anything else to do with Max I suggest you ask your questions over at the autodesk forums, please dont e-mail me, I dont respond.You surely didnt pay all that cash for something you cant use.
As far as e-mail goes I only answer questions directly related to my media for sale and any FPSC related questions can be asked on these forums where I am usually happy to do so.

Desecrated Studios
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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 05:24
How did you get your lights to actually light up in the editor?

Just wondering of course!

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 09:04
Quote: "How did you get your lights to actually light up in the editor?"

I know he is probably banned now... BUT, here is the answer for anyone else who can't read.

Quote: "The entire scene is modeled,textured and lit, then shadows are baked into textures before export."

Quote: "All entity's and segments use an illumination shader to make them full bright, lights are placed where lights were in original modeled scene..."

At least I might save Rolfy from answering the above question for anyone else.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 11:18 Edited at: 11th Aug 2011 11:19
Quote: "At least I might save Rolfy from answering the above question for anyone else."

Looks like I already did
Thanks for quoting me ASTEK,saves me work

I guess it might appear that lights are working in editor.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 16:21
Quote: "How did you get your lights to actually light up in the editor?"

Reading...its rocketscience

@rolfy: Nice to see this back! It has been quiet around this and I'm glad to see that you are still working on it. You appeared to be a bit frustrated with FPSC after the first demo release, but I might just have imagined that.


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Posted: 11th Aug 2011 16:35
Quote: ""How did you get your lights to actually light up in the editor?""

Use the lightswitch.

Nice work again Rolfy. Sent you an email; might have went in your spam box.


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Posted: 12th Aug 2011 04:07
Quote: "You appeared to be a bit frustrated with FPSC after the first demo release"

I am ALWAYS frustrated with FPSC, it comes with the territory.

Quote: "Nice work again Rolfy. Sent you an email; might have went in your spam box."


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Posted: 16th Aug 2011 23:42 Edited at: 16th Aug 2011 23:45
I guess I'm a little bit late but I newly played the demo and my first reaction was AHHH !!! That doll really scared the living daylight out of me. The clock is 22:35 here in sweden so I was sitting by my computer alone in the dark and when I opened that door with the key ... don't know how to explain how scared I was ... I decided to play the game tomorrow.

One thing though, when the doll spawned it attacked me but after that it just stod there and didn't do anything else. Is it meant to be or am I just stupid

EDIT The music wasn't that good (like my english ). You should replace it with some more ambient stuff. I could send you some samples if you want but it's of course your game

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 03:51 Edited at: 17th Aug 2011 03:52
Thanks RAXMUX you wont be able to destroy or get by the doll (if you get to close she will stick that knife in you again), just move back a little and she'll get bored and float away.
The music was by Nickydude and he did it in a hurry for me as he was real busy at that time, I was lucky to get it for this.
Thanks for the offer though

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Posted: 17th Aug 2011 13:12
rolfy you are very good.Your creations are too cool.

I wish I can make things like you do... My creations looks garbage compared to you.

Thumbs up to you dude!

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Posted: 28th Aug 2011 03:49 Edited at: 28th Aug 2011 03:59
hi rolfy,
i have questions.
when you make a scene with lighting and shaddows And so its a baked scene,

1, do you get better frame rate than if you did not.

2, when using a shader, is it a custom one or could a stock shader be ok.

3, do you add lights to each light after, or do you use one or 2 above the hole scene.

4, is the scene added as an etity or a segment

5, do you add box or poly collision to scene

6, can you still move up layers if you had an upstairs or would height scale be tricky to do.

7, can you use fpsc stock doors, and can they be put anyware
I think thats about all Q's
And just to mention , the scene looks A+

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Posted: 28th Aug 2011 05:21 Edited at: 28th Aug 2011 05:35
Hi Spudnick,

Quote: "when you make a scene with lighting and shaddows And so its a baked scene,
1, do you get better frame rate than if you did not."

Texture wise not much.Framerate may be helped a little but its negligible.
The real plus is using far fewer poly's in a scene.

Quote: "2, when using a shader, is it a custom one or could a stock shader be ok."

Stock illumination shader is all thats used so far, its just a pure white Ill.texture map as the whole entity/segment is uniformly bright.

Quote: "3, do you add lights to each light after, or do you use one or 2 above the hole scene."

Lights are placed in exact locations as modeling program, there are a couple of reasons to do so.
1.They provide a light scource for player weapoms,characters etc even though they play no real part in lighting the scene itself.
2.I have found that creating low res lightmaps at build in FPSC actually adds a little more depth and quality to baked shadows.

Quote: "4, is the scene added as an etity or a segment"

All walls and objects are entity's the floors are segments.

Quote: "5, do you add box or poly collision to scene"

Depends on the shape and purpose of the object. You will find performance is helped if can use more box collision though as it cuts down on the collision the engine has to constantly calculate.

Quote: "6, can you still move up layers if you had an upstairs or would height scale be tricky to do."

You can use as many levels as FPSC can handle. Access is no different from any other game built in FPSC.

Quote: "7, can you use fpsc stock doors, and can they be put anyware"

If your refering to doors cutting walls, then no. All this is done in modeling prog, however if I wanted to use stock doors would simply work it into pre-level design.

Interesting questions.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2011 01:10
Thanks rolfy for answering questions, But i think i have killed of your thread bit, as i think i have asked you questions that others may of been wanting to know!

Just another Q,
how do you know what scale to uses when you are creating a room,

Meaning, when i tried to make a building with 2 levels, the bottom level off the wall was taller than the fpsc layer, and so it could be seen protruding through the 2nd layer and vice versa when the wall was too short.

so this realy only caused a problem when i needed to add some segments, i need to use segments with entities, as im building a massive school and have special effects to them, and maily i can't bake like you
Fairy cakes is my limit.

anyway joking aside.
what was or is you best way to scale it to fitt correctly fpsc.


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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 00:59
Any scaling hints?

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 01:20
1 Segment in FPSC is 100"x100" square.
You can raise lower move to side whatever using the offset in segment.fpe if you fnd things protruding through them.

Since my laptop specs are not good enough to create anything more than small levels this game will be put on hold for a while, I will not ask for this to be locked in case anyone has further questions regarding the level creation. But I suspect it will die a natural death anyhow.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 19:31 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2011 19:31
FPSC can handle up to 50 levels (which I'm sure you no doubt knew). Why don't you just make a series of small levels
to make a decent sized game? Like a piece of the house per level?

I don't know. It's just a suggestion.

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 19:55
I will take a look at things again when I finish the destructive environment pack.
Its kind of a trade off, I find that even the smallest levels take (comparatively) too long to load and it may frustrate a player who has to wait too often, with short bursts of gameplay between.
It does bear thinking about however, best thingis to get a new comp, maybe Santa will be good to me this year.
I'll see how it goes

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 21:14
Do you think this method of baking the shadows would be achievable in Blender (can't afford or justify paying for 3DS Max)


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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 22:54
Quote: "Its kind of a trade off, I find that even the smallest levels take (comparatively) too long to load and it may frustrate a player who has to wait too often"

BUT... people with beefy PC's can load them a lot faster when compared to your machine. I know that I can load most FPSC games in
a snap. I just hope this would apply to your project.

Whoever said that Intel graphics fail, obviously never owned a Core i5.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 23:05
Quote: "Do you think this method of baking the shadows would be achievable in Blender"

Any 3d program with texture bake feature.

Quote: "BUT... people with beefy PC's can load them a lot faster when compared to your machine. I know that I can load most FPSC games in
a snap. I just hope this would apply to your project."

Will look into it after New Year.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2011 03:51
hey rolfy i have a quick question. Im brand new to fpsc,and i made a short demo for a game. I uploaded it to mediafire, and then when my friend downloaded it and tryed to run it, it crashed and said "init error- genre unknown." DO you know how to fix this?
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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 21:56 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 22:00
I have no further need for this now...please lock.
Tired of the off-topic questions.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 22:17 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 22:18
But why?

No more Dark House?

Will you make the Light House now?

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 00:32

Who cuts your hair?

!retupmoc eht ni deppart m'I !pleH

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 00:50
At last!!!
Some questions I can answer without going off topic.

Quote: "No more Dark House?
Will you make the Light House now?"

I have no plans to make a lighthouse unless I get to blow it up.

Quote: "Who cuts your hair?"

My mum of silly....I used toget it cut by a man Mum knew, she hand picked him for me (least I think thats what she said.)
He had dark hair and a moustache and only one eye, so I used to get it half price, was a bitch on a windy day though, looked like a flag in a storm.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 01:10
Quote: "looked like a flag in a storm."

What did- your Mum, the haircut, the man, or the moustache?

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 01:19 Edited at: 25th Dec 2011 01:20
Ummm...all four
He also had one leg shorter than the other, was born on a hill.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 01:44 Edited at: 25th Dec 2011 01:45
Quote: "I have no further need for this now...please lock.
Tired of the off-topic questions." do not need to answer them... in fact: I would even recommend not to. However, you have no further need of this thread, this project, this software,gamedesign in general or your barber?

IÄm in bed with my netbook...I really should get some sleep...but I have to pee...but I dont want to get up...arrrgh! so much problems.

The right man with the wrong engine can make all the difference, doctor freeman...
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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 01:59
I often have to pee when in bed, just let it go, feels great.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 02:35
Can you say W-A-T-E-R-B-E-D...

Remember your floaties.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 14:11
Quote: "IÄm in bed with my netbook..."

Ä and ' are too close!

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 19:47
The Screens are looking all Great

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Posted: 26th Dec 2011 20:24
Bumping this to request lock again.

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