I like to read threads like this, it helps to see how others view the world. Oftentimes they have in site that you could never have come to on your own. Anywho...
I was raised Roman Catholic, I never really thought to deeply about what that meant, until one day my grandparent gave me this book called "Someone Awesome" I think. It was basically a children's book meant to explain why God exists. Well I read it, sat down and said to myself thats the biggest load of crap I ever heard. So I decided to do a little research of my own. So I started with the most logical place (at least for me) the Bible.
Today I look at my shelves and I see many religious texts, the Bible, Koran, Pali Canon, Tao Te Ching(about 18 copies), The Bhagavad Gita, The Golden Bough, the Avestas, a bunch of American Atheist magazines... and many others.
I personally believe there is no right or wrong religion, its kinda like pants, just wear the ones that fit you best
For me thats Taoism (as the most widely practiced religion in the world they must be doing something right... that or China just has to many people in it
"This is a common problem found in logic known as a paradox, or circular logic. You will always find yourself asking your original question. In fact, this is an excellent sign of your logic failing you. However, most people don't ask deep enough questions to get into too hot of water." Bill Mason Heres a link if you wanna read the artical
http://www.taoism.net/articles/mason/cosmo.htm (its about the Taoism views on Cosmology, so I don't know if anyone would find it that interesting)
It seems like all we are doing here is running around in circles, but at least it'll be interesting, and maybe you'll even learn something new.