Thanks Josh
This is a quick test video of Aegul's mod in use in this map level.
I have used the old map to to do this as I still have to bake textures for the scenes shown above. I am currently doing so as all lighting was changed and introduced global illumination which takes a lot longer to render out but hopefully will look a lot better than seen in this video.
I used bond1's Grendel character for third person and as can be seen the planar shadow's work a treat, adding a great deal to 3rd person use. The shadow gets clipped on hilly or uneven terrain but I can hide this by placing vegetation in offending areas.
Rather than baking all the vegetation I have created a hemispherical lighting shader which can be tweaked to suit whether in light or shade and it works just fine for this.
The scene contains only one light for the character, since character shaders will accept an average from the nearest light source, it falls on the character from the angle its placed wherever the character is in the level no matter the range its set at.
Ambience is set to zero and lightmapping is turned off.
Till I redo all lightmapping in Max, this is as I said, more a demo of third person in Aegul's mod and shows walking on terrain both segment and entity, it also shows climbing which would add greatly to gameplay should I decide to introduce any.
I don't trip over...I do random gravity checks.