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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / [iOS / Mac] Hackers Online (Universal)

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Posted: 30th Nov 2012 18:40 Edited at: 16th Jun 2013 20:10


Informations :
This is the first MMORPG Online based on simulated hacking sessions, on a complete simulated OS.

Now you have the possibility to find the hacker hidden in yourself. Fight against all the other users to stole passwords, infos, datas, images and whatever you can!

But when you don't want to hack someone, you can use your terminal as a real computer, listening to music, watching videos, pictures and playing some simple games. You can also message with your friends or post what you want on your Facebook wall directly from the terminal.

This game is only a simulation, we tried to make it as real as we can but is only a GAME!!!

Features :
- Send virus / trojan
- Receive info from virus / trojan
- Facebook wall post
- Avatar photo with ASCII Art
- Make photos
- Music player
- C64 SID Player
- Watch videos
- Talk to other users
- Improve your hardware
- Multiplayer minigames
- Game Center

Minigames Included :
- Poker
- Horse Race
- Tic Tac Toe (Tris - Multiplayer possible)

Long life to Steve!
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 30th Nov 2012 18:58
Looks like a fun start.

I was once called in to hack into an accounting system because the head accountant was in hospital and not reachable and the next one was MIA (it later turned out he'd been embezzling). It was fun. Naturally, about 2 minutes after I successfully hacked the password, the guy in hospital called.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 1st Dec 2012 01:47
Yes now i done the matrix to emulate a text screen (as in the C64).
I'm using different columns and rows for the 3 different formats iPhone/iPad.

Now i start to work on the write routine.
As a console or terminal (text screen) each part of the matrix will be a unique letter or space or other.
So i will be able to create also a "TypeWriter" effect and it will have the text to speech system like my GG Basic.

Post 1 updated, read it!!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2012 02:20
xGEKKOx Interesting, but no Windows release?

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Posted: 1st Dec 2012 13:08
Eh, i decided 1 year ago to code only for iOS/Mac.
I'm alone in the 80% of projects i do, so for me is much hard.
Maybe is time to enlarge the Team?!

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2012 04:50 Edited at: 6th Mar 2013 14:40
Ok i worked on the command line system.
Now is a real console, with the edit box where you see immediately on the screen what you write.
I also introduced the "TypeWriter Effect", colors, blinking and some other effects, each one of this singularly on the character of the screen.
It also do the famous sound effect "War Games" when the console write responses.

The menu is a test...
Now i have to work on the server side, i have to create the fake file system with the home folder for all the users will connect to the game.

I will work on the line scroll down and upper with a history command list using arrow keys i used in the GG Basic and GG Php.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2012 06:13

Did you implement the TYPE HELP TO LIST COMMANDS yet?

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2012 13:29
Yes i'm implementing it on the server side.
Will be an array where all commands will be stored and will be like this:
Commands[0].com = 'cd';
Commands[0].help_eng = 'Change Directory.....';
Commands[0].help_ita = 'Cambia Cartella.....';

In the past i already developed an Online Virtual Desktop called "GekkOS" with windows and mouse, all coded from scratch (in javascript). Where my users got 100Mb free space to upload and download their files to use everywhere.

Thinkin back to (GG Basic and GG Php) text editor i developed, i will add in this game the possibility to edit a text file in the same way.

It will be very hard for the users that never used a terminal or a console, but i think can be much funny for them to discover how to use step by step.

All the commands and missions will be on the server side so i will be able to add missions and commands without update the binary file.

Long life to Steve!
Ancient Lady
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2012 15:37
Sounds like a very cool thing to play with.

Ancient Lady
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Posted: 6th Dec 2012 05:03 Edited at: 6th Dec 2012 05:04
Ok worked hard on the console because i want it become a standard console for many other apps in the future....
and finally become as i expected!!

Now for example, we can change colors from this (white with no tags):
Welcome to TGC Forum.
in this (red -> white -> yellow):
|f00|Welcome |fff|to |ff0|TGC Forum.

As you can see the console will parse the little hex colors and will compute the difference like trimming it (but not really trimming).

Now i can work on the scrolling buttons and the history of command!!

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2012 01:56
Working again on this game.
The Console is complete and i've added Open Ears to recognize the speech and for txt to speech.
In the past i used festival on my main server, but it don't work in offline.

I'm doing a video to show what it do...(i will post it in some minutes)

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2012 11:04
I like this idea. The console graphics look simplistic and clean - and that font looks just perfect for a console game.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2012 05:23 Edited at: 27th Feb 2013 16:06
This is the video of the console.
There is a bug in the end on the blink parsing from the command line but i will fix it easy.
Now it connect to the personal User Virtual HD online and verify if it exists.
If exists, it connect and give the command line.
If not it will create a new virtual partition.

The Open Ears LIB is on to read the lines written from the console and the messages.
The recognize also work, and i will add some lines to talk with with him for a conversation with a command.
Conversation ON
Conversation OFF

There will be a VU Meter for the Input MIC and for the TALK from GGOS.
The list of commands and the software you will get with points will be on our server, so you will use some GG Points to buy (virtually) new hardware and firewalls and modems, etc....

I uploaded the video just now.
Marry Xmas!!

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 24th Feb 2013 20:24
Ok is time to continue this game....
We decided it will be free with some in app purchase :
1000/6000/10000/50000 (40000 + 10000 free) "GG Coins"

Anyway all users will earn some GG Coins completing quest/missions.
I will upload the new video soon.

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 27th Feb 2013 16:06
Just uploaded the new video in the first post.
There is some lag with the sound, i will do it again.
But you can have an idea of the system

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2013 17:09
Love the idea of this game - is there going to be a 'network' who slowly hack you and generally work against you?

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Posted: 4th Mar 2013 14:59
Yes, i tough of adding a variable factor to emulate network speed (based on the router you have) to give speed to PVP or against a firewall that can catch you before you complete your mission.
Today i will work on the accounts exp, lvl, last mission completed... the setting part and i will complete the commands from console.

After i have to do the check on the command to recognize an exe file to be launched, so the trojan, viruses, and other applications can be launched without specifying the .exe at the end.

And i have to ideate some missions.
Ah of course in this game i will insert all that i learned on iOS, so all the applications i have done:
- Notepad
- Chat
- A little Tic Tac Toe (ahaha it remember me "War Games"
- MediaPlayer
- VideoPlayer
and much other!!!

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Posted: 5th Mar 2013 05:27
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Posted: 8th Mar 2013 15:32
Actually, by "network" I meant in the sense from channel 4's UTOPIA, a kind of mysterious agency that are out to get you. They hack email accounts, tap phones, and determine your location based on CCTV, ATM usage etc.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2013 16:39 Edited at: 9th Mar 2013 16:50
Ohhh, nice, yes it will be a game like that!
Now working on missions huuuhhhuhu
First missions will be as tutorial.
Just developed the EXP and LVL system.
Uploading a new video...

Added :
- Chat
- Exp
- Lvl
- VU Meter

I have to decide where to put bars

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 9th Mar 2013 17:07
New video Uploaded in the first post!

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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 05:04 Edited at: 10th Mar 2013 05:14
Added the list of commands with keys to go up and down in the list (only when the keyboard is on).

I'm enjoying too much with this game, i love consoles and terminal!

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 05:12
it looks really cool ! keep up the good work Gekko
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Posted: 10th Mar 2013 05:14
Thx Mike, i can't wait the moment we can play online!!!! ahaha.
It will have secret things inside...
Like a real OS... so only some will know this ahahuahu.
TGC users will know!

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 11th Mar 2013 19:00
Added :
- Keys UP and Down for command history (50 commands)
- Save command history on file and retrieve at launch
- Optimized players for audio and music
- Double line when the text is > screen width
- 10 Missions for tutorial on commands to understand a console

Now working on edit files, so you can make your autoexect or launch batch file to execute some commands automatically
For example if you want some sound at start it will be :

and you will write line by line :
mplay Mysong.mp3
spk Welcome my lord

After this i will pass on the CheckMission to give to the user the Exp and GGCoins when he complete a mission.
And the shop to buy new hardware and software (antivirus, trojans, etc)

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Posted: 12th Mar 2013 17:09
Added :
- Take photo for avatar online
- Take photo for your library
- PNG -> ASCII to see the photo on the console (ahahah too funny)

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 12th Mar 2013 18:27
I am curious about the actual game. So far you are doing a great job of creating a sort of DOS simulator. It's quite far from any hacking game I have tried. What is the player actually going to do in the game?

Demo 3 is out now!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 01:12
Well there will be some levels (10) to start to understand the old way to use a console, the most of young boys don't know it.
After those levels, they will start to buy with GG Coins (some to start are free) to buy hardware....
For example...
We start with a 286 20Mhz pc and a Pc Speaker and 1Mb of ram and 2Mb of online space....
Now if you have a Pc Speaker you will ear sounds at 8000Hz ahahahah, if you buy a sound card you will hear better ahahah... and play music etc...
If you buy a better cpu your scroll will go faster....

Will come the time you will get the first mission to hack, and you will buy a trojan that you will use to hack the others users online (each users will have a IP based on the database)
When you attack a user the attacked will have some time to break the attack (imagine 30 sec)
Or if the user attacked has the firewall, will be more hard, so the attacker need a better trojan or virus.

Well the ideas will come step by step but i think will be much funny, cause the base system is like a real OS.
I done this to use the App to do what you do usually with the device, but with a console.
So the useful of this App never ends. (well i done it also to have some LIB to develope other Apps like SSH terminal or similar things)

Anyway i prepared a good list of pc hardware.
Will come also the moment you need to buy GG Coins to enlarge your online space.
So i need to calibrate all as well. Very Hard!!!

I will post an image that will be very funny, give me 5 minutes!!!

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 01:40
Ahahaha who is this??????

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 08:22
Sounds interesting and the image display looks cool

Demo 3 is out now!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 18:15
That is both Funky & Creative!

Well done!

[Is it an overlay?]

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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 18:18 Edited at: 13th Mar 2013 18:34
What you mean with overlay?
No, i send the image to my server and the PHP do the conversion from RGB to ASCII using the color formatter for the console.
Is done at the moment and is all text.

I will do a video and i will update in the first post

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 18:29
I was hoping you would say that!


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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 18:46
Brilliant work!
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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 18:47
Wow thx friends, i'm doing the video

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Posted: 13th Mar 2013 19:21
Video updated in the first post!!
Ahahah enjoy!

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Posted: 18th Mar 2013 16:59
I'm adding all the work experiences i done till now...

Added :
- SID player (To reproduce commodore 64 tunes)
- Message system
- GGCoin shop
- Hardware shop

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 18th Mar 2013 21:06
Love the avatar pic option and lovin' the tunes!!!

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Posted: 19th Mar 2013 05:55
Eheheh thx!!!
- IP (starting from for all users based on the database
- Net Commands (myip, userlist)
- Date/Time commands
- GameCenter Score based on the EXP
- Facebook post on wall every time you raise a LVL
- ADV banner can be removed if you use GGCoins
- Some icons for options

I will upload a new video in some hours.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2013 05:58
I'm amazed at how much you are packing into this game Any estimate on when it'll be ready for the app store?
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Posted: 20th Mar 2013 00:57
What do you mean with estimate?

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Posted: 20th Mar 2013 01:28 Edited at: 20th Mar 2013 01:29
I was just wondering how close you are to releasing the game. Days, weeks, months?
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Posted: 20th Mar 2013 03:11
I think days...
Now i'm working very hard to ideate missions and the hardware shop (the one that make you spend GG Coins and make your pc faster and allow features).

I'm really curious to undesrtand how much downloads a free game like this with coins in app purchase will do.
In some hours i will complete the table views to show hardware and i will upload a new video on youtube.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2013 05:40 Edited at: 20th Mar 2013 06:48
Ok i've added some things and some are incomplete, but i wanna share how is going...
Added :
- At first start you have a base hardware (Green Monochrome monitor too)
- Fixed the PC speed calculator that make the refresh faster (for faster pc, each hardware has a speed factor)
- Hardware list added (showing what you have and what you can buy or not)
- Monochrome effect on images with HEX color on Alpha

Ok i'm uploading a video...

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Posted: 20th Mar 2013 08:11
This is the last video with the monochrome and some features that will block until you don't activate some new hardware.

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Posted: 21st Mar 2013 01:16 Edited at: 21st Mar 2013 01:17
Those are 3 new screen i done on the new TableView work.
They are based on C64 & C128 Theme colors + the gold for the coins shop.
This night i will work on the banner and on the first missions check.

Screenshots reduced with photoshop...

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Posted: 21st Mar 2013 03:31
Ehehe as i always change minds, i started to work on batch file and edit files (create file) like in teh old dos.
Now i completed the check of autoexec.bat and config.sys in the System folder.
I want this game comes real!!

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Posted: 25th Mar 2013 09:24
looking good so far - keep up the good work!
watched your video, but it seems it doesn't yet include the actual hacking part of your game. looking forward to seeing the game play.
as mentioned before, hoping you will consider a windows port at some time down the track.

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Posted: 25th Mar 2013 16:25
Sorry, for windows i think no.
Yes i'm working first on the OS and when all the conditions to grow levels and exp are ok i will start to do missions and i will do a new video.
Now i'm working on the HORSE RACE, TIC TAC TOE, POKER (minigames included)...

Long life to Steve!
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Posted: 30th Mar 2013 13:41
Ok i spent some days to relax cause my eyes are burning....
Anyway i'm working on the minigames...
I done a Tic Tac Toe that learn to play from his errors ahahah, just like in War Games film.
I didn't liked the idea to do a unbeatable Cpu AI so i done one you can beat at start and become more hard day by day.
Ahahah, i'm testing it now....

Long life to Steve!

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