Yes, like I said after the Visual Editor I can talk to Rick.
It was good to have more time through... I made many changes and bug fixes, the library is much more stable now and I created a little Documentation too.
I made sure it works on all my devices PC,HTML5,Android and IOS. I also have someone who will try it on MAC the next few days I hope.
I think I won't get an account to change something on steam or upload new versions, so I have to annoy Rick all the time if I got something new.
But I'm not sure
Also I thought about expanding the documentation to explain the shader algorithms and what happens and why it happens in the tiny tutorials for moderate shader coder.
Actually all that doesn't prevent me from releasing the stuff, I know I can fix things later, the only thing is, I want it on steam and therefore I need TGC to respond
P.S I love all you feedback, thanks