The Megaton Award Ceremony
The award for most livestock stolen: Cattle rustler
Slickest sig: That Appolo studios guy
Ugliest sig: Too much people; won't fit on list
Hardest secret project in the making: xxxpetratxxx
Coolest adult who pretends to be a kid: Cattle rustler
Best 3 people who never post on forums: Akira Tsunami, Lee Bamber, Pet Rat (Where has he been the whole time I was here) and that dude that made war room...and Koshi
Least favorite word on the forums: MMORPG
Most favorite word on the forums: 100fps
Most over-use of quates: Perston Chaderton
Most random forum member: Pincho
Most common web mystake: Using Geocities
Stupidest game that never got made: Spoon racers
Place I can never seem to find: darkbasic chat room (what's it called again?
and finally the awards for the best over all member:...
still thinking
Too lazy to finish it...