Mr Pet Rat "OMG! Your probably the only person I know(apart from me ) that has even heard of panzer dragoon saga! That was like, my favourite game."
Amazing game. Stunning Game. Easily the best RPG I've ever played, even better than FFVII even better than Grandia, even better than Chrono Trigger
ANYONE who like Fantasy RPGs And/Or flying Dragons, go on Ebay NOW and put down the £150 or so needed for a copy of the game and a Saturn. Truely ROCKS
Pretty nice list Petrat, except for Sonic Adventure 2. I was really looking forward to that game, but when it came out I thought it sucked. Basically cos it forces you to do levels in a certain order, unlike the original. I hate being forced to play 1 fast level then 1 slow level then 1 fast one etc. Haven't played the GC version to see if it fixes that tho. I like Sonic Heroes though have you tried that?
Raven Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SNES/AMIGA)
Did SSF2T come out on SNES or Amiga? I only ever saw a DOSPC Home version, and eventually in SFCollection for PS1 and Saturn. I'm not saying they didn't come out, I've no idea. If they did I'll have to track down copies. I have SF2, SSF2 and SF2T for SNES & Amiga, just not SSF2T (which is just that little bit better
Lol at the time, with different SF2 versions, Capcom were worse than EASports for identikit sequels, but I still bought em all
The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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