I'm afraid that you've misunderstood alot of physics there. Unless you're talking hyperthetically of course.
A few major points is that, if your not moving, there is still time.
It's just been *Hypothesised* by Newton and Einstein and some others I can't think of right now, that the speed of light is constant, and thus, time, mass and length are relative to your speed.
But if you stopped moving ( ie, you were at the centre of the universe, according to the "Big-Bang" theory ), then time would not simply just stop ( relative to the person at the centre of the universe ).
Personally, I think that the constant of the speed of light is a load of crap ( and, yes, I have heard the full story, and am quite well enough informed to make that statement, so please don't flame me ).
Although, if we do go along with the Theory of Special Relativety...
Here's an interesting peice of info...
As you approach the speed of light, time ( relative to someone who is stationary ) will slow down for you ( to you, it would appear that everything else is speeding up ).
Now, in theory, if you got to the speed of light, time ( relative to the stationary person ) for you would stop. Thus, if you passed the speed of light, you would go back in time ( beleive it or not, this is Theoretically possible ).
And, to add to that, scientists have managed to get light to travel faster than the speed of light ( which is just not possible according to Spec. Relativity ) by passing a laser through cold ceizium ( however it's spelt ).
@Flibble... what is "cis" ? Is that the Logarithmic function ( Inverse Log ) ? And what is "i" ??
We are speaking English, it's not our fault if you don't have the noggin capacity to understand it... lol, I'm just kiddin bro
Team EOD :: Programmer/Logical Engineer/All-Round Nice Guy