when i was yunger, i was at my friends house one night when we see this
thing in the sky. It was round and had a dullish white light but it looked as if it gave off no shine so it couldn't be a light. I was freaked out. Still not sure what the heck it was. Some other people reported they also saw it. My friend owns a big house in a very isolated land. Where the lights came from was (i think) corn field or trees. Creepy... *Shivers* : /
Oyah... brings back memories. There were three of them. They were going in a triangle (in and out). Like a spot light formation, only they didn't look like lights. They seemed to give off no shine and it was 2 in the morning. I forgot which one, but it was a holiday... why would there be spot lights 2 in the morning in the middle of no where? Its alllllll woods/corn fields over where we saw them.
Im not lying about this. *shivers*
I don't think they were aliens though. A flying circle.. *shivers*... i dont really know what to think O_O