This is a bit strange, but bare with me...
Ok, I have had Grand Theft Auto: Vice City since this past Christmas when my wife bought it for me as one of my gifts. I still havent played it, in fact I havent been able to even install it. Reason being there was some sort of corrupted file on the second disc (from the factory - Rockstar has admitted to the problem) So today I downloaded an app called CDCHECK which inspects and does CRC checks on files. Turns out the problem is on the PLAY disc, in the AUDIO folder, with the file WILD.ADF. All the other files on both discs pass inspection OK
What I tried to do was have CDCheck repair the file into a local folder (which I did), and then copied both disks to folders as well - the Play disc being where the repaired file is located. I installed from the HD instead of the cd's but it still bombs out on Wild.adf because the cab info doesnt match the current file, so I need a good copy of the actual file.
What I was hoping is that someone with the game, a little web space, and a few spare minutes could zip up the this one file and allow me to download it? The file is kinda big. I would be forever endebted
The file I need is on the PLAY disc --(not the INSTALL disk)
the path is
once I have this file I can retry the hd install, or burn the neccessary files to a disk.
Hopefully someone will feel my pain and help me out on this strange request.
Thanks, CR
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