Quote: "I haven't seen the movie, but AI has a long way to go. Movies like Spielburg's "AI" are not very likely, as this implies that a machine can have a soul (not trying to make this a religious conversation), and can be afraid to "die".
AI is only as powerful as the person who writes it. And we can only program true AI as far as we understand the way the human thought process functions (which we do not understand at all right now). Something that may be of interest to you Artificial Intelligence fans out there is that humans are in the process of mapping all of the chemicals that produce thought in the human brain. It may take years (and I mean years) to get it correctly, but when we do, it will give us a whole new perspective on programming AI, to the point that true sentient thought could be possible!
Well we do not know nothing about the human brain.
The human brain uses a neural network to process the input data. I don't want to give you a definition about NN now, but the point is, NNs are the basement for pattern recognition, learning and whatever makes human so "special".
Now there are already robots with NNs who are able to learn, or who are able to generalize.
But there are 2 things that aren't possible.
The human brain does not only connect neurons, it also has a memory.
The memory however is dynamic, which means by thinking you're enlarging your memory.
This is just impossible with a robot.
Moreover, it will probably never be possible to reproduce the perfection and aesthetics of the nature.
It isn't possible to achieve a perfect co-ordination like some animals for example.
Mobile Robots are still slow, creeping, struggling, awkward thingies which are far away from a hunting tiger.
And IF there's any "serious" content in the film "I, Robot", I can only laugh.
There really isn't any serious content in such a representation of the AI.
The theory of super intelligent robots taking over the world isn't only VERY OLD (Terminator, Matrix, AI... etc etc), there also isn't anything serious about it. It's just a sign for the a bad trend of hollywood: Uncreative, boring stories + some expensive special FX + some famous actor(s) = successful movie.
"Ladykillers" as another example. "Ladykillers" is brilliant British movie of the 70s. Now because hollywood is so extremely uncreative, they just steal the story, buy Tom Hanks and make a rubbish movie out of a masterpiece.
I'm sick and tired of this and I won't support movies like that anymore. I recently watched a film from Iceland called "Nòi Albinòi" and in my opinion, this really is the best thing i've seen for this year - better than any money-making project from hollywood.
EDIT: I, Robot is a film of a book?? Oh....
Well i still don't like the movie