Hello, you probably know me, I'm Animeblood and I would like to invite to a website that Oliver and I have made for help in the fields of 2D,3D, and many other things, we call it DarkTUTOR. Currently we have members and we haven't really shown anyone the site yet, so please visit and join our tutorial website, Dark Tutor, and sign up today, it's free and we don't need anypersonal info.
--History and current status--:
At the site we currently have Skeletor's 2D shoot 'em up 2.0, a pong tutorial and a snake code, also Kequor is working on an FPS tut, and I am working on a sword tutorial, if you join you can submit your tutorials and read others, also you can make posts about something your having trouble with.We're not trying to replace the Newcomer forum we're just trying to make a tutorial database. This whole website had been started by me making a suggestion of a tutorial database awhile back in the Newcomers forum and someone named Megaman-X had begun working on a message board with a tutorial database.But, then he just disappeared, then one day in August a guy named Oliver made a post and the thread was revived, hopefully with your help we can turn this website into a nice community helping each other out.
Finally: The link
Thank you in advance for joining,
Got anime?I do.