Empty... i get alot of my figures and such from papers, as well as Bloomberg and such.
Share prices are always offset by the strongest contributer (simple economic knowlage
) which at this point happens to be the £ ... just because other countries don't say everything to the £ is because it isn't the widest used currency. Big differences in Economics and general knowlage which i'd suggest you'd look up on.
I'm still saying your math before is completely screwball
as for the BMW i'll lay that out in a simpler setup for you...
say BMW earn a profit margin of €10million each quarter for a year, meaning €40million in all.
now if the exchange of the Euro -> Dollar is 1.00 in March, we can assume that the first Quarter is $10million
however let say this drops by 20 points to 0.80 by January next year - so this means that if you do a predictive value for this then in Q1 its 1.0 ($10million) Q2 it is 0.925 ($9.25million) and in Q3 it is 0.85 ($8.5million) and finally in Q4 its 0.8 ($8million) ...
so you can see that they're loosing around 20% of their predicted profits. Although currencies are never this clean cut, the point is - althought TECHNICALLY they're turning over the same, on the world wide scale they're loosing money.
our "industrilised" nation is quite self sufficient, infact if you think hard about it its not like we've not had to do without the European trade before!
It is simply a bonus to our economy, nothing more - if the needs be we can survive on our own.
Alot of the European countries can't though ... simply because they're so intermingled now, whereas the UK has in the past always kept an arms length from being a European player.
somehow i get the feeling you just don't like what i'm saying here, and are running out of responses.
alot of stock brokers deal in this kinda cash each day using the principals of Economics ... which most people i know have learnt at school - you don't have to actually trade in millions to understand what it is worth.
if BMW actually lost $2million a year in revenue this isn't actually a great amount in thier terms, however you have to think down the line - this is about 10,000 jobs in one of thier plants.
BMW have pulled out the other UK and cut back greatly within the US over the last twelve months, thanks to that stable €
the problem isn't having it stable, but where it stables itself out after a market crash like what happened just after Sept 2001 and March 2002 - the Euro couldn't handle it.
As far as the EU's power in Britian is consern'd, have you ever read BEYOND a tabloid
they're oftenly a bias'd report on something they very rarely get full facts upon. Alot of the times the Euro gets the rights over something is when the stupid government can't be bothered to fight it. The Beurchracy between thew UK and the EU is just pathetic, even within the UK its getting stupid.
It takes several week for appeals and such to go throu and setup meetings etc... by which time the EU have already done what they want to and its too late.
Its not a case of power, its a case of everyone fart-arseing around wasting time aruging about forms and official stuff rather than getting on with what they should.
Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!