Quote: "Online, at least, there's a lot of anger, a lot of prejudice to be found-- not particularly in excessive amounts, but it clumps together, so to speak, and can seem rather overwhelming at times. Example: A few days ago I fired up the Halo trial and the most popular game in the listing was Americans_Suck; getting flamed on message boards for being American (I still don't understand how people can seriously blame individuals for their government's actions though); etc."
jesus christ, thank you!
it seems like all i see on the internet is anti-american sentiment. and not necessarily big, showy displays of "i hate america" kind of sentiment, but .. little things, that just grind on you. things like "only in america." or "why'd you elect bush again!" or "freedom fries?" or "americans don't have any freedoms, they just believe they do." or "america's trying to take over the world." or "america's just in the war for oil." or "why don't you go sue someone over it?!"
or " Only in stupid ass america...wow."
yeah. great.
do you know what it feels like to be constantly degraded on any political or social issue? do you know what it feels like to live in a country that is the butt of everyone's jokes? do you know what it's like to be blamed for the rest of the world's problems?
have most of you lived here?
do most of you KNOW anyone from america?
how can you honestly make any kind of accurate portrayal of a country or its citizens from the biased, selective crap that comes across the internet or through the media?
do any of you realize that the forum members in america are not just post-generating programs? that we are actually people who have *gasp* feelings? that we might not actually like people making fun of us and making blanket statments about us TENTY FOUR F**CKING SEVEN?!
have some sense! have some decorum! be kind! by posting the biased crap that i see so often, you don't really present yourselves as being any more informed or worth any more respect than the blindly patriotic americans you hate so much!
"when it's done" means "we have no idea, we forgot to do that; we were hoping you would all forget we promised <insert exotic promise here>"