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Program Announcements / BlueIDE Update - 1.01 Released

Rob K
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Posted: 10th Apr 2005 21:29 Edited at: 10th Apr 2005 21:29
The latest version of the BlueIDE editor for DarkBASIC Pro is now available.

This version mainly consists of bugfixes and other enhancements, I decided to post it since there has not been an official release for quite a while.


Extract both folders in the zip file to your hard drive, and if you have not installed BlueIDE before, you will need to run the batch file inside the "System Files" folder. To start the editor, run "blue.exe" from the "BlueIDE Build" folder.

For those who have not used BlueIDE before, here is a quick list of the most useful features:

- Tabbed Interface
- Project-wide Search
- Goto Definition*
- Code Snippets Manager
- Project Management (History,To-Do & Notes)
- Parameter help for user-defined functions
- Automatic loop completion **
- Variable case correction +
- Plugin System ++
- Configurable code backup system
- Searchable Help & Online Help

* Right click on a variable or function name after saving the project, select Goto > Definition and the editor will jump to the place where that symbol was defined

** Type 'IF <statement>' or 'FOR <var>=<start> to <end>' etc. and the editor will automatically add 'ENDIF' / 'NEXT <var>' as appropriate

+ If you enable 'Fixup Variable Case' and you have a global named myVar, type 'myvar' elsewhere in the code and it will be automatically corrected to 'myVar', a useful indicator of misspellings

++ The included plugins are Macro Processor, which make it easy to build different versions of your app which include different code, QuickCodes which allows you to specify shorthand codes eg. 'objx' for 'Object Position X' which are substituted when the source is compiled, and a Colour Picker plugin

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Posted: 10th Apr 2005 21:43

Great. I've been waiting for a long time for this update

Just a thing, It's impossible to remove an entry from the To-Do project organisation.

Rob K
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Posted: 10th Apr 2005 22:53
It seems that you can only remove items from the To-Do list if there are items in the Notes list. I'll look into this.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2005 22:56
You're right .
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 00:05
probs installing on XP pro. I followed the readme.txt that came with build 1.01 but i still got this prob (see pic) when going to install the IDE by clicking on the blue pluggin

can you help me out here


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Rob K
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 02:57 Edited at: 11th Apr 2005 02:59

If you cannot run v1.01 straight away, you will need to install the earlier version of the software (download available on the website) first.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 09:04
I think I'll be using this from now on.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 11:02
AWESOME!!! Thanks!!! I've been thinking about if you would update it.... Thanks again...

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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 13:56
Hi RobK

I love BlueIDE and have been using it for a while now. I have some suggestions, most are minor. I hope I didn't miss the window of fixes/enhancements anytime soon.

* List of functions on right side doesn't update if new file is selected from tabbed files. You have to click on the text screen to have this happen.

* Maintain cursor position after F5 (it goes to top of code)

* Choose color (and have syntax highlighting) for user-defined functions

* Everytime I choose "Goto definition" I get a Runtime error #62 "Input past end of file", then it crashes. I can't isolate it in a small program so threw it out there if someone else is getting it too.

Anyways thanks for maintaining the editor!

I'm not a real programmer but I play one with DBPro!
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 15:05
Cool. I have noticed 2 problems that were in the older versions as well. Does anyone else have these problems?

1) You can't use the left arrowkey to cursor back behind certain keywords: I have noticed next, endif, until, and loop

2) You can't copy/paste while running blue ide and a DBP application compiled by it. It seems to take control of the clipboard. This fix could make screenshot dlls easier to make. It works fine when using the defalut DBP IDE.

Thanks RobK

Dave J
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 17:39
Quote: "probs installing on XP pro. I followed the readme.txt that came with build 1.01 but i still got this prob (see pic) when going to install the IDE by clicking on the blue pluggin

can you help me out here
cheers,dan "

Open the run dialog (Start Menu > Run) and enter this line (without quotes):
"regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx"

Press OK and it will register the OCX control, then the setup should run fine.

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Rob K
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 20:05
Quote: "1) You can't use the left arrowkey to cursor back behind certain keywords: I have noticed next, endif, until, and loop"

Turn off auto-loop completion and this won't happen.

Quote: "* Everytime I choose "Goto definition" I get a Runtime error #62 "Input past end of file", then it crashes. I can't isolate it in a small program so threw it out there if someone else is getting it too.

I think I have found the cause of the bug - fixed in next release.

Quote: "2) You can't copy/paste while running blue ide and a DBP application compiled by it. It seems to take control of the clipboard. This fix could make screenshot dlls easier to make. It works fine when using the defalut DBP IDE."

Fixed in next release.

Quote: "* Maintain cursor position after F5 (it goes to top of code)

* Choose color (and have syntax highlighting) for user-defined functions"

I can set the editor to remember the cursor position, but it won't be possible to colour-code user-defined functions.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 20:48
Thank you, thank you, thank you

Just migrated to a new lap top and thought I'd try the default editor, loaded my project did a build and it managed to delete one of my pieces of source code. Good old BlueIDE to the rescue.

A quicky question, Have you fixed the problem where it crashes when you try to save and one of the files is read only? I've been using as source control system and sometimes forget to check something out, and end up loosing my changes when it crashes.



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Rob K
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 00:24
Quote: "
A quicky question, Have you fixed the problem where it crashes when you try to save and one of the files is read only? I've been using as source control system and sometimes forget to check something out, and end up loosing my changes when it crashes."

No, I have (hopefully!) sorted that for the next release. If one or more of the source files is not saved because it is read only, then an error message pops up after everything else that can be saved has been dealt with.

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 00:33
Thanks, warning about them being write protected is much better. I can then quickly check out the code and save again.

p.s. You've done well with the compiler line number reporting, it gets it spot on what ever the source file is.



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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 01:19
Quote: "Everytime I choose "Goto definition" I get a Runtime error #62 "Input past end of file""

Open all includes stops the crash. It must be caused by the definition being in a closed file.

Quote: "You can't copy/paste while running blue ide and a DBP application compiled by it"

Is this fixed by U5.8? There was a clipboard issue with DB Pro.

David R
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 02:08
Does/will BlueIDE allow easier integration with BlueGUI?

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Rob K
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 02:21
What do you mean by that?

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 02:48
i think he means with rainbow - maybe if you've got some spare time Rob you could make a version of rainbow in vb6 and then add it to the ide

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Rob K
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 03:28
The trouble with making Rainbow in VB6 is that I couldn't guarantee that the end results would look the same in the final application as in the editor.

The easiest way to make Rainbow available from BlueIDE is to add a shortcut to the tools folder.

Go to 'Tools > Programs > Open Programs Folder' on the menu to open the tools folder, create a shortcut to Rainbow there and then restart the editor. Rainbow will then be accessible from 'Tools > Programs > Rainbow'

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 07:05
Quote: "+ If you enable 'Fixup Variable Case' and you have a global named myVar, type 'myvar' elsewhere in the code and it will be automatically corrected to 'myVar', a useful indicator of misspellings"

Rob, is there any way you could integrate the same functionality into constants?

It would be a very handy thing.


Rob K
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 07:52
Quote: "Rob, is there any way you could integrate the same functionality into constants?"

It's funny you should say that...

There will be a 1.02 on its way shortly, click the Source button to see the changes so far.

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 07:59
Rob, I've not tracked down what is causing it but every now and again, when compiling the source I end up getting a runtime error. Just before it happens the progress bar jumps to the begining and then you get a runtime error. It always happens part way during the linking stage

Has anyone else experienced this?


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Rob K
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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 08:54
Hi Jas,

Can you take a screenshot of the error when it occurs and post it?

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 22:17
Hi there,

Managed to get it to do it after loading up the project, then clicking the build/run icon, when in program running pressed escape then did build run again and got this:

Clicking ok the editor shuts down, though sometimes the compiled program still runs.


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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 00:36
Just to let you know : in the menu language, when we change the editor language to French, some in the menu are replaced by nothing, and some are not translated.

For exemple :

--->Search this file
--->Search Project

is replaced by :

--->Search this file
--->Search Project

Instead of Search, I have a blank part.

Looking at the file French.txt, I see that some fields are missing.

Like :


If I add


in the french file, then it works. Well, I think that you made some upgrades of the menu, without thinking about adding the new fields for the other files...

Anyway, I took the french.txt file and I added the corresponding fields, so that there is exactly the same number of fields in the English.txt file and in the French.txt file. I also translated all that fields (of course I'm not a professional translator, but French is my language, so I guess I didn't make so much mistakes..)

So, I attached the txt file.

Anyway, there are still some troubles : some parts of the menu are still in English, because I couldn't find them in the English.txt file. It seems like it doesn't depend on the txt files. Could you please do something to correct this ?

I wish I didn't make too much english mistakes, I learnt it at school so it's not so easy to write long posts....

(my teacher told me to put this in the end of any letter, loool I find it so boring !!)

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon...



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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 00:45
Eagerly awaiting the next version. The clipbord fix will make it so much better to use.
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Posted: 16th Apr 2005 11:12 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2005 12:13
Man, your products are getting great. I clicked on the [Contributions] link and it seems it was in reference to CODE!

You should talk Lee into making this the default editor and get a little of that income stream!

[edit] but I guess it's open source,

Keep up the good work.

Rob K
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Posted: 17th Apr 2005 02:30
It might be a week or two before the next update, there is a lot of work to do to make the editor fully translateable to German, French, Italian etc.

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Posted: 19th Apr 2005 11:36
Think I found a small buglet with v1.01. If I place an icon in a subdirectory like my media directory, test, save it and exit and then move the icon file elswhere and then come back in Blue and attempt to remove the obsolete icon reference I get a runtime error: "Run-time error '53' File not found: '[path]'. Click OK and Blue vanishes into thin air . . .

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Posted: 20th Apr 2005 06:55 Edited at: 20th Apr 2005 06:56
So will you use the french translation of the whole thing I made in my last post, or was it done for nothing ??



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Posted: 24th Apr 2005 08:00 Edited at: 24th Apr 2005 08:07

Critical Bug Report

What happened with this bug is as follows. I had a DBPRO file open. I then opened a second *.dba file (mostly to let me cut and paste into the primary window). After about 2 hours work, I hit save in the first menu. BlueIDE promptly crashed.

Now when I try to open BlueIDE, I get the following error messages:

"Error in project: No main source file specified"

followed by

"Run time error 91: object variable or with block variable not set".

BlueIDE then opens and the title bar says the name of the *.dbpro file that I was working on before, but there is no text displayed in the code window and the windows are all messed up and none of the menu options work.


I'm going to go back to the setup files that come with BlueIDE and edit out of them the reference to the *.dbpro file. I hope that will fix this bug.


**EDIT: Simply deleting the *.dbpro project file fixes the problem and BlueIDE then loads normally.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2005 13:27
I tried using BlueIDE, but it tries to compile using the "trial" version i recently downloaded when it was not working, and so it will not there anyway to set what it compiles with?

[Apolloed ]
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Posted: 24th Apr 2005 14:27
It will compile with which ever IDE you open it with Unless you are asking how to change what it opens with? In which case you should right click on the .dbpro and select open with option and choose Blue IDE and check the always use this program. In some versions of windows you have to left click on the file, hold the shift key and right click at the same time to get the open with option.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 07:06

Go to Tools > IDE Preferences and change the DBPro directory to your full version one.


There was a bug with this in earlier versions. It seems to work with out problems in my development build.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 07:43
Ok, thanks

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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 15:37 Edited at: 25th Apr 2005 15:38

There is a really annoying bug that I hope you can squash now that you are back on the case.

With Fixup Variable Case selected on, if you misstype a variable name and then try to correct yourself strange things happen.

For example:

Global DistanceX

Then lower in your code you type DstanceX

Realising your error you attempt to insert the i - the result is: DistanceXstancex

It can only be corrected by either deleted the entire word and retyping it or pressing CTRL+Z twice.

If you can kill this bug I would be a happy man.

Thanks Rob

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Posted: 26th Apr 2005 00:50

Just a request for future upgrade if it's possible, Adding a flag for explicit variable declaration. I'm waiting for this for a long time and I Think it can very useful for many people.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 02:24
Nice work Rob, I think I'll use this as my main editor now. Not that I don't like Twilight, it has some nice features but some of the stuff is quite annoying (eg. doesn't save original IDE compatable .dbpro files, has limitation on source codes). Also Glenn is no longer updating it.

I'm not sure how far you are planning to take this, but a working autocomplete (Twilights was quite buggy) for functions and UDT variables would be excellent. I've seen the intellisense feature, but that isn't quite the same.

Good job .

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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 02:55
A minor annoyance is that if you hit Ctrl+C when no text is selected, you still copy, emptying your clipboard. So if you hit Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+V then you have to recopy.

Apart from that, I'm really loving this IDE.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 03:24

During the Con last year IanM pointed out this bug to RobK (with much glee it might be added). RobK instantly stopped participating in the group lanparty that was going on, dived into the IDE source, and fixed the bug.

Looks like it has somehow become unfixed in the past year.

BlueIDE is my IDE of preference.


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Dave J
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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 23:10
Quote: "A minor annoyance is that if you hit Ctrl+C when no text is selected, you still copy, emptying your clipboard. So if you hit Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+V then you have to recopy."

You just can't please some people...

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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 11:31
Very nice work, my only quarm is the small...its color customisation. Ive grown fond of DBP's color scheme and id like to keep it as its a lot less harsh than white background. However the color choices are rather limited, is there any way to have proper colour customising ?

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Posted: 1st May 2005 07:09
Sorry Rob ... my bad!

The 'bug' I mentioned a few posts up has already been exterminated. I was, of course, referring to the Release candidate 4 version of your IDE and made the foolish mistake of posting before I installed the new version.

Sorry ...
Great IDE, I'm lovin' it

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Posted: 2nd May 2005 19:00
Hey Rob. Great IDE, I'm lovin' it

Only bug i have found is that the functions in the side bar go a bit screwy if you have


function .......

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Posted: 3rd May 2005 16:38
not shure if i have missed it or somthing ..

how can i set a custom line concatination string. I need it to be "__", not "_".

I just can't find in Blue where to set it .

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Posted: 18th May 2005 02:56


Please please can we have a "save project as" option. At the moment this is missing and is really really needed when you've opened one project and want to save it as a new name.


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Rob K
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Posted: 18th May 2005 04:08
File > Save As does that surely?

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Posted: 19th May 2005 06:24
Yes it does. Sorry, I must have been very very tired yesterday afternoon because I didn't bother to explain myself properly.

With the latest version of the IDE, try the following sequence:

1. open a new *.dbpro file;
2. hit the X icon (close current project/source file);
3. you now get a blank "untitled 1" file;
4. open a *.dba source file;
5. this *.dba file comes up as a separate tab;
6. activate the blank "untitled 1" file again by clicking on the tab;
7. hit the X icon (close current project/source file);
8. this moves the *.dba file across to make it the main (and only) source file;
9. now try a "save as".

You no longer get any option to save a new *.dbpro file. I dunno why but I keep doing the above (again, don't ask me why) and discovering that I can't save my amended *.dba file as a new project. Aaargh!


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Posted: 19th May 2005 09:28
Heres another, even more obscure, issue.

Basically if you stand on your head and then look at a monitor screen all the text seems to be upside down. I've tested this. Its definitely right.


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