If the program says your card doesn't support Shaders, then it doesn't support them under Dark Basic Professional.
Pretty much as simple as that given, I used DBP to detect them.
There is obviously something wrong with your graphics card if it is failing even the simplist DXCAPS test like what Support it has.
All the code above is:
Disable EscapeKey
Global PixelShader As Float
PixelShader = Get Maximum Pixel Shader Version()
If PixelShader
Exit Prompt "You Have Shader Version "+STR$(PixelShader), "Shader Checker"
Exit Prompt "Your card doesn't support Shaders", "Shader Checker"
well there was a bit more to the 'not supported' message heh, but still that is the code. (and you can see to why i was baffled it too up 9MB if we have to include the entire dlls would be nice if they could split each up in to key sections that call a main one to create the d3d instance.)
Given you have a Radeon 9200, you SHOULD have 2.0 support. I'm pretty sure it supports it even if it is emulated, but as the checker has noted your card under DBP doesn't support anything.
So there is something wrong.
But I don't think it's DBPs end given it detects each of my cards (even the Radeons) just fine.
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