This is the one I first submitted (just in case it was confused with someone else's):
Nothing actually wrong with this, it is an actual photo of one, just that this one has a 20 round magazine, not the standard 30 round magazine
Also, I didn't put high or low poly, but my system specs are these:
Processor: AMD AthlonXP 2000+ at 1666 Mhz
Memory: 512MB RAM DDR
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 with 128MB DDR
Logic says it should be low poly, but you people are the professionals and know if a high poly model of this would cause slow performance on the system described above...
and for the existing one, that looks fine as it is, just needs a magazine then I'll be more than happy with that one - perhaps the dodgy magazine on that one, coz not many sniper rifles have curved magazines...
...maybe one day I'll finish a project