Sorry to bring back this post. I've been attempting to these scipts but it's only half worked.
My characters all say the same thing even though the scripts are different.
For example.
;Created by Benjamin Aeilkema
desc = game conversation
;walk up to an character and he will display three messages in a row.
:state=10,plrdistwithin=60:rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound] ,timerstart,state=20
:state=20,timergreater=3500:state=20,rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound],timerstart,state=30
:state=30,timergreater=3500:state=30,rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound],timerstart,state=40
;End of Script
Says the same thing as
;Created by Benjamin Aeilkema
desc = game conversation
;walk up to an character and he will display three messages in a row.
:state=10,plrdistwithin=60:rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound] ,timerstart,state=20
:state=20,timergreater=3500:state=20,rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound],timerstart,state=30
:state=30,timergreater=3500:state=30,rotatetoplr,sound=[path to a sound],timerstart,state=40
;End of Script
Any help would be appreciated.
"I will work harder... if you ask me enough times... or give me enough coffee"