I Hate ...
1. getting up at 6am in the morning.
2. people who think they know everything
3. idiots who soup up small cars and think they look great
4. when my fingers almost get chopped off while sword fighting
5. when people say they make games at home but don't (i had a friend in secondary school who thought that he made games. he said he made a fps but he clearly didn't have a clue about programming)
6. not knowing everything
7. oneupism
8. being ordered to do something
9. PC's when they crash
10. PC's when they go slow
11. PC's when they can't be bothered to load a program
12. PC's when they take ages to start up windows
13. PC's when they take over and delete your code
14. PC's when they ignore everything you tell them to do
15. code that doesn't work and you can't find the problem.
16. making lists
Daih Thel phae 'e, clann 'e phaen