Visible Worlds - V0.71 - Final Beta & Cosmetic's Stage
I've spent the bulk of the last few weeks fleshing out the app (splash screens, serials, adding way points, making and fixing a few new bugs). The current version 0.71 contains perhaps 98-99% of the app's functionally slated for the V1.0. What is mainly missing now is support documentation and dare i say it, some decent examples..
What is it:
Visible Worlds is a stand alone portal compiler designed for use with Dark Basic, DB Pro, Blitz 3D and virtually any dynamic object based render engine. The tool creates lists of visible regions from every possible standing point within a world space. This gives a huge boost to performance to your application at run time (for me %100 for more) as this allows your engine to only render those objects that are either completely or partly visible. All other occluded geometry is not drawn.
While this system is somewhat similar in concept to BSP support found in Dbpro / Bb3D. It does not have limitations upon geometry in regards to convex shapes and leak-less worlds by design. Since Visible Worlds uses regions lists rather than polygon level visibility. This makes creating a VW map and portal for your world a lot simpler, meaning compiling is faster and it fits DB & DBpro's object system perfectly.
The result, you can produce faster, more complex scene's / games, with zero effort from you. That's what it's all about !
Feature List:
* Static & Rotated spatial regions. (solid & transparent are supported)
* Pre-calculated Regional Levels of Details
* Pre-calculated Visibility importance ( This allows the compiler to cull objects if their perspective screen size falls within a minimum radius (that of the bound box), so if you wanted to could have lots blades of grass models sprinkled on the ground. The only ones Db will render with VW are those that are clearly visible and above a 1 or 2 pixel screen size.. Meaning you don't noticed them appear at all..)
* Terrains (Height map support)
* Way Point Generation. (This is one of the more powerful tools of the Visible Worlds. Way Point maps will allow you calc complex line of sight or your way through a landscape, without bumping into objects. Ideally for path finding situations mainly. Currently it only supports 3D spatial way point map (treats space as huge block), but i'm in the process of adding two other types. those Being 2D ground level (for fps on a matrix situations) and 3D ground height.
* Built in 3D map import view & Built in Compiled Portal Map View mode.
Map/World Editor Tool Support:
I was hoping that a few world/map editors would have support from the get go, this is looking unlikely. So I'll prolly just write importers myself. However, if you have your own tool kit, you can happily implement your own VW map exporter, with the included developer library (it's not rocket science) . So you can compile portals of your worlds too. Simple
It's looking like a release will happen this Friday/Saturday.. (nov 2nd or3rd) I'm guessing there will be a lot of head scratching and "what does it do?" questions. (Note to self. Write decent FAQ for once!
). The way things are going it could be ready to see a demo release around the weekend, but most likely some time next week.