here is a comparison of with skin and without skin just to show you it can do facial parts rather than just pictures on the head. FPSC can handle a high pollycount if you dont have a ton of enemies in one room together. Infact i was told some of the current fpsc models are 2500 and over. Anywat here are the pics. As you can see the face was accually modeled, the only thing not modeled was the wrinkles.
EDIT-milkshape is quite capable of doing what you want even with modeled facial parts, and it wont make your game unplayable, you just have to be skilled at doing it. You can definitely create models as good as or better than the model in the picture you posted and still have it workable in FPSC.
JEEZ!You people just STFU! You waste more space complaining about people wasting space than the people your bashing! Man, I thought I had no life.