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FPSC Classic Product Chat / [LOCKED] This community brings Anger

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 16:17
This place is really starting to annoye me. There are to many freebie wanters around, even some of the older members are like this.

Ill post my work here and no one really gives a sh!t about it. Its either I want this or change that or some other crap. Then I see other threads with evry one kissing the guys arse.

I fu*king hate you all, besides the ones that really have stuck with me and like what I do.

You all wonder why Iam a bastard, well its because of you.

Why should I fu*king bother making models for the community when you dont care.

If any one posts and trys to say Iam wrong, ill just be even more pissed off. This place just gives you a fu*king head ache. Ive had enough.

Papa Lazarou: Your my wife now!

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 16:41 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2006 16:41
K, See you in a week

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 17:08 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2006 17:12
Well Higgins....Welcome to my world..How was I supposed to know nobody around here has had exp in anything with the likes of Duke3D,Gen3D,Quake. No websites of there work, Just a bunch of kids..wanna be's wanna be's wanna be's. Back in the good ol days people like John Romero and G.B. from 3D Realms told people like Lee Bamber to go blow it out of your butt..We built this city out of bits and bites..What did you do? Well..At least you "er" tried.. So stop crying
get back to work or don't...I'll have my own cult following and fan base on my games,Have my day in the sun,My 15min of fame, And you will still be rubbing peanutbutter over your body and singing with the animals and dancing with the animals Mr. Higgins. PS No disrespect to Mr.Bamber or any other rivals on game development.

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 17:42 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2006 17:44
Quote: "If any one posts and trys to say Iam wrong, ill just be even more pissed off. This place just gives you a fu*king head ache. Ive had enough."

Quote: "Why should I fu*king bother making models for the community"
Quote: "I fu*king hate you all"

Stop whining and go do something productive.

We really don't need people like you here.

It's like a Megaton Cat radar, 24 hours a day.
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 17:47
N00bs are renound for asking for free stuff, get used to it. When you tell them no one will work for free you get rid of the wasters and keep the dedicated ones who don't mind learning.

Quote: "This place is really starting to annoye me"

Your not legally binded to be here you know, if it's getting on your wick then deal with it in some way.

Quote: "Ill post my work here and no one really gives a sh!t about it"

I can remember when your stuff was highly reguarded; i can't remember the last time you posted a model though.

Quote: "I fu*king hate you all, besides the ones that really have stuck with me and like what I do."

Who are the ones who have stuck by you

Quote: "You all wonder why Iam a bastard, well its because of you."

No, its because you're prejudiced against n00bs and think your own work is the best work on the forum. Your narrow-vision prevents you from appreciating that some people on here haven't quite got used to FPSC yet. Most of your posts and moans that the game included too much stock media...well, that what its there for; surely you didin't spend £30 on a product just for the engine?

Quote: "Why should I fu*king bother making models for the community when you dont care."

Well, do you ever give away free stuff? If the answer is no then your target market is quite small since most older members on here have experience in modelling and can do it themselves and the younger ones don't have the money to buy your stuff.

Lastly, staring out one letter of a swear word is still counted as swearing. You should do something like this:
That way, it's up to the reader to decide what curse you have written.

Certain things in the community never change and your arrogance is one of them...

Play my Basic Trainning Level:
**Crosshair pack coming soon**
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 17:55 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2006 17:56
How do you think I feel?
I post a model and get 350 views and 6 replies.
I think it is more of an issue that you haven't sold very many of your model packs.
When you look at some of the ohter model packs that are available for purchase you should be able to figure out why.
You might be overcharging for your models.
You can charge whatever you want but why would someone buy 15 models from you for the price you want when you can get 30 elsewhere for $15.
Dude,I have been laid back with you.I understand this isn't a gumdrop and lollipop world and we need people like you around to give negative feedback from time to time.
This time you went too far.
You need to go take your Midol and get off of it.
All you do is complain.
Maybe if you worked with your fellow forum members to make this a better community instead of blowing up at every little thing and insulting people we would have a better community.
The reason you are a bastard is because you choose to be.
Don't blame that on anyone but yourself.
Instead of working to make things better you took the easy way out.
You quit.
You whimped out.
I will kind of miss you.
Your posts made me laugh.
Thanks for making the forums a better place by leaving.
Au revior.
See you later.
You have done a good thing.I can't think of how many forum members are going to rejoice when they find out you are gone.
I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
I wish even more that you don't return.
You are wrong.
Are you ticked now?

We are all noobs at something!
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 18:05
Was that like a long poorly written poem?

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 18:16
I am with you Higgins, all the way...

I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47 other dangerous words...
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 18:33

And dont look back,man! And whatever you do, for the love of god, please dont come back and sing Bon Jovi crap to us!

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 19:42 Edited at: 26th Apr 2006 08:32
In a way, I can understand where you are coming from, Higgins. I have been here for sometime now, and I've given away quite a bit of game media as well as advice. AE is right about the target audience here; either the kids here don't have enough to purchase every pack that comes out, or people here can make things themselves. My pack hasn't had quite the initial impact that I would have hoped, but I appreciate and take care of the customers that have thought enough of my work to support me financially.

Sales aside; I have learned quite a bit from making my WW2 Pack, and I will apply that knowledge to the next one I do. It is frustrating at times to have your thread drop to the bottom, while other threads are held at the top because people are using it like an instant messenger; but that's just the way it is I'm afraid. You may have noticed that I am constantly renewing my thread by posting new in-game images of my pack; that is my way of 'bumping' my thread, without putting in the word "bump" to do it. You've also got to realize that some people live from paycheck to paycheck, and they may not have the money to buy something from you until the following month. The best thing I can do is to keep my thread visible, and hope that someone finds a use for my stuff.

I think you're a good person, but you can't have an emotional eruption like this, here; if you're expecting to do business with this community. Good luck in wherever you're going.


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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 19:51
Quote: "You all wonder why Iam a bastard, well its because of you."

i have one thing to say.... LOL!

Benjamin A
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 21:36
Sorry dude that you feel this way, but honestly..... charging as much as you do for models that aren't even worth paying for, imo, what else did you expect?

If you make something worthwhile and sell it people in this community will buy it. That's no guessing, that's experience by now coming from my FPSC Landscape Pack 1. Also FPSPack, FPSC Magic, E.C.S. (I think it's called that way) and other model pack have been selling.

I've set a goal for my landscape pack and I'm very close to reaching, so I'll be creating more stuff for the community at low prices and even for free.

Bored of indoor? Add outdoor to your FPSC games!
Need music for your games? Check the above link also!
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 21:56 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2006 21:58
higgins if you go who will i have to back me up in educating the fresh noobs in the art of decent non stock media game making

really dude this communtiy could end up as a showcase full of 1 level noob stock media demos charged at a thousand quid a download

higgins we need some skills on this forum thats why i think just drink a coffee dude and carry on the good work your doing

ps i know team requests are banned but sod it post now flame me later

any of you chaps fancy starting a open source custom media project

been thinking about this for a while

a collaberation of great minds on this forum

to work on creating the first commercial game for fpsc

no stock media used

as i too am pissed of with the lack of progress in fpsc game making

anyway flame away

peace out
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 21:57
k seeya later higgins please email me if your gonna finish the pack i needed im still willing to pay


thanks for being a friend if you dont come back

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 22:00
if your intrested in a collaberation of great minds drop us a email dude
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 22:01
FFS everyone say,,Ahhh Put ya dummy back future everyone say that higgins models are mint even if they are crap.......

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Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 22:03
all of higgins models ive ever seen did kick arse tho

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 22:08
Mods should probably lock this thread... soon.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 22:09
Crow34, be helpful if you dropped us an address to contact you at.


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Les Horribres
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 23:28
I missed that one...

Higgins, first, learn that 6 replies means 18 views.
Then learn that it IS true, your packs are a bit pricey, these are kids here. $15 is like their monthly salary, and I know that you will say that you worked hard on it, but look at some math here.

If the average kid has dX dollars, and it costs dY dollars.

(dX/dY) would show the relationship between your sales, in a perfect world.

Now if your pack contains mX models, has gX quality, qX diversity, uX usability. Then a new relationship is formed, this is a ideal 'want' relationship. (note, the Y variables represent what the common consenses is on what these valuse should be)


now, this generally says that 1/4th of the sales come from the quality and diversity of the pack, 2/4ths come from the ability to use them in game, meaning no FPS drops, they fit in (re refrence to quality), and finally 1/4th of the sales come from the amount of models...

What does all this mean?
Sell too high and even if you have the perfect pack, you won't get as many sales.
Have too low quality models and your sales will plummet
Have too high quality models and your sales will plummet (useability once again, can't have models that REALLY stand out, unless you want the atention)
Have too many polys in the model and your sales will plummet (if the engine can't handle it, fewer people will buy it, some people may work around the polys to get better framerates, but that percentage is few then the whole)
Have too less models and your sales will plummet.

The relationships are generally true, the math... well... could use some work. But the general idea is there...


We all have our inner noob. Join the NJL, and have more fun!
I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2006 23:38

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Benjamin A
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 00:03
Quote: "now, this generally says that 1/4th of the sales come from the quality and diversity of the pack, 2/4ths come from the ability to use them in game, meaning no FPS drops, they fit in (re refrence to quality), and finally 1/4th of the sales come from the amount of models..."

OnePost, at times I just love your posts, they're so cool and original and even insightfull! (no sarcasm meant at all, I really do mean it!!!).

But.... Higgins sales aren't the problem, at least he claimed a couple of times when pointed out towards the fact that his pricing is way to high.

Quote: "Can I rub it in your facr that two people have bought it, and like it very much? Also I think at least 2 more are thinking of buying."

Quote: "Iam happy to see that people like the pack, and are willing to pay."

Higgins, to be completely honest.... a lot of the free models around have way higher quality and much better texturing then the stuff you try to sell.

NO, I DON'T WANT IT FOR FREE, I wouldn't know what to do with these models at all and as a fellow modeler, I'm offended by the price you ask for this.

Bored of indoor? Add outdoor to your FPSC games!
Need music for your games? Check the above link also!
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 00:15
Quote: "thanks for being a friend if you dont come back"

*ques the violins*

Les Horribres
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 00:33
Quote: "OnePost, at times I just love your posts, they're so cool and original and even insightfull! (no sarcasm meant at all, I really do mean it!!!)."

That is because sometimes people can realize what I am saying. Truly alot of my ideas are contraversial in the eyes of those who learned those long standing.

That ^, it is something that people should know, if you are selling something, you need to try to ballance the pricing. Plug Rastaman's product into this, and you can see how he can sell so high, it can be used on any computer that runs FPSC, and the aditional features that is included ballances out some of the loss due to the price.

Making money is a secondary step. First, you have to earn it.

We all have our inner noob. Join the NJL, and have more fun!
I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.
Mr Love
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 00:49
So You hate everybody that dosnt love Your models? So We shourldnt have an opinion about Your stuff then?

Menu Extreme! The answer to Your save & load problem...
RJ is out Leave a message
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 02:42 Edited at: 24th Apr 2006 02:43
GooD GoD!?!!? I didn't know Hig was loved by you people THAT much!

Silent Hill Review on my website..Monday.

alex 1337
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 03:22
how long do u think this kid will be banned for?
Les Horribres
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 03:31
Umm... I don't think ever, slapped, maybe, for excessive cursing, but definatly NOT banned.

We all have our inner noob. Join the NJL, and have more fun!
I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 04:51
well goodbye then higgins. what i have seen from you when someone post a screenshot is only negative. you rarely give good advice just blast poeple.
it goes with any forum.
if you dont like it, leave it...
Getix Interactive
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 08:34
Good Riddens

Getix Interactive and Nanovision. Good Combo.
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 12:23
*Hacks up a giant hairball and hands it to the nearest person*

if higgins dissapears,i wouldnt miss him at all.
the only thing he does is giving comments about a model(mostly like "It sucks") WITHOUT reading the authors comments like "Its my first model" or "I cant model quite well" so why should i miss him?

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 15:24
How come everyone hates higgins hes a really cool guy hes just extreamly honest...he doesnt flame he gives his honest opinion

id rather have his honest opinion then a false

Quote: "mint"


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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 15:54
I agree with Bloodeath. I dont think he has to swear, but rather that than false comments.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 16:50 Edited at: 24th Apr 2006 16:52
Common sense.

You don't have have to kick someone in the a$$ and grind their head in the dirt to be honest.

Respect breeds respect.

If all you do is put people down, don't expect them to love you.

Crazy Grandpa
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 16:59
My review of Silent Hill is up check it out. A bit off topic but enough, Please..Stop beating on a dead dog already.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 17:06
It's not your decision..... and hijacking is hijacking no matter how you dress it.

This thread continues because it's a sore subject that some people need to get iron out.

Crazy Grandpa
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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 18:42
Then You are No better than Mr. Higgins and you need to leave to.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 18:43
Mods..Lock this thread now.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 20:57
blooddeath,dont quote me....cheers

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 21:48 Edited at: 24th Apr 2006 21:48

no havok... dont go down the path to noobiness

aww come on, you were one of the forums best members back when i was 9, hyperactive, and er...well known

and now you go piss us off



The 'Ghastly Panic' Is in production as 'Version 2'

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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 03:17 Edited at: 25th Apr 2006 03:20
ok ive realized one thing. we have the really smart people (OnePost) and then we have the people that scratch their heads at the word fourm. IM NOT MENTIONING ANY NAMES (except onepost's, lol) but Higgins, your a little RETARDED.
Quote: "I fu*king hate you all,"

glad you shared your opinion. we hate you too.
Quote: " besides the ones that really have stuck with me and like what I do."

sorry to kill your children, but no one sticks with you. your models are ok, but i can find better freebies out there.
Quote: "Why should I fu*king bother making models for the community when you dont care."

well, this forum was designed by Tcg or Cgt whatever the hell it is, so that we can help each other. We were all
Quote: "fu*king freebie wanting"
noobs at one point.

Quote: "This place just gives you a fu*king head ache."

i enjoy this place, other than the freaks that wont reply to my "comment on the screenies" thread. 132 views and 5 replies is kinda annoying.
i think im correct when i speak for all of us, the only headache-giving-thing here is you. you randomly start a thread saying how pissed you are, only making tis community a worse place.
Quote: "Ive had enough."


oh and check the picture its just for you.


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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 03:21
EDIT: soory double post
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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 03:41

We are all noobs at something!
Reality Forgotten
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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 04:12
crow you have no email

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Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 05:18
ultra i will quote you when i feel needed your MINT posts really mean it sucks but im giving you false hope...okay so yeah im backing higgins on this one...

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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 08:59 Edited at: 25th Apr 2006 09:02
And in other news...Independent Action Games, A new small inde game making/film club will be adding a little something extra to it's first action packed commerical game called "The Conspiracy". To the buying public it would be nothing short of a small ha,ha and move on, But to the cast of the fourms it would cause controversy. Small inside jokes like FPSC fourms cause cancer!, Higgens is a hillbilly, ChrisB is a wanna-be, Then a bonus level where the main character must shoot enough sheep to gain an extra life! This bouns level may be released to the fourms for free along with the Demo version. No word yet as to when the game will be done. It's been almost 5 years and the project leader is already way past budget and over due. But thats not entirely his fault. Crap happends to everybody. So as they say "When it's done". Now can we stop beating that dead dog called Higgens?

the following news report is for entertainment perps only and not to be taken seriously.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 09:16 Edited at: 25th Apr 2006 09:17
Special report: Raymond J has just made a breakthrough on one of the multiplayer maps made for "The conspiracy" Called mTest. It should be ready for download in a few days for certain people on the fourms only. Serial numbers will be released via e-mail to play the mTest. More on this later.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 09:24
"Now can we stop beating that dead dog called Higgens?"

We are all noobs at something!
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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 09:37
This just in: Including the mTest and serial to play it, A special anti-copy program called "Bountyhunter" alpha v.1.6.1 made by Rj himself maybe fused into the Exe file. Anyone who tries to make a copy will have a black wet spot where there CD-ROM was. In short, the copy protection program detects the software running the drive and littery deepfrys every single dll in the program. It was not a pretty site seeing Nero and every single CD copy program killed. WinXp of course had to be re-installed. In short, Do not copy the level without my say so.

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Posted: 25th Apr 2006 13:49
Quote: "ultra i will quote you when i feel needed your MINT posts really mean it sucks but im giving you false hope...okay so yeah im backing higgins on this one...

You know me then..

Never eat yellow snow

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