"I'm really just looking for something from Mr. Love, especially now that he has personally attacked me."
I am sorry, but You wont find it noob! You wont get anything from Me except pain.. If You think I am lieing, why the hell are You spending time on My threads?
"I remember you made a lot of empty promises."
No I didnt! I promised to wait an extra week to show screenshots after You were crying for "proof" and I did! You thought I forgot? Noop noob!!!
"Wait 20 years to show me a screenshot. I don't really care."
Fine! Then why are You crying all the time?
Silver the lord of Nothing:
-Where is the website where we can buy it?no website,no proof.
-Where is a sample game where M.E. is used in?
Well, I wourldnt call a website a proof... Im sorry but I have no big company as Yours edromeproductions! I can only work on one thing at the time.
And Im sure Nobody have time to help Me with it either, so I guess I have to make this Myself also. So You have to wait thoose extra weeks also! I only have two hands You know, not four! And I dont know if it takes some extra time to open a Paypal account? Well, most of You have been waiting a Year for Riker 9, so I can promise it wont take that long! op89x is saying things about Me and My Product that is false, and thats why He isnt going to get a Hot Copy of Menu Extreme! (Maybe if He pays the double price!)
I just want to say Thank You to thoose who belive in Me and M.E! Thoose Guys that are screaming for proof are not many, but thay are very loud!
By the way I played a M.E game yesterday at 34fps! I dont know the reason but that is faster than without Menu Extreme!!!
Thanks again to the Guys that support Me...
Menu Extreme! The answer to Your save & load problem...