@Mike: I've just installed the 1.01 update.
When two dynamic/staic rigid body
meshes collide, it keeps producing an error now, here it is:
Trying to collide to pmap-less, nonconvex, nonheightfield meshes: this is no longer supported
With version 1.00 of DP it never used to do that, but now it does.
I've tried colliding:
- A static mesh against a static mesh
- A dynamic against a static mesh
- A dynamic mesh against a dynamic mesh
All of these seem cause the error I mentioned.
Any ideas on what it means, Mike?
EDIT: I just got home to find out it doesnt produce this error on my desktop PC, so it's my laptop.
But, is there any reason why mesh-mesh collions cause an error on my laptop and not my desktop (both in software mode) :?
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