Nice. Very smooth and solid.
Are you using fullscreen exclusive mode? If i press the windows key to goto desktop, and then click the minipod bit in the taskbar, the game doesn't come back.
One time it crashed my comp (reset), and another i got a "minipod.exe has experienced a problem and has to close..." thing, and i suspect these might also be down to this.
You should use fullscreen windowed mode. Otherwise bad stuff happens. Especially if you're using left ctrl a lot- people are liable to press the windows key by accident, and if your comp decides to interrupt to give some stupid information like "*** has updated", then if you're in fullscreen exclusive it'll crash the game.
I get around 60 fps. Can drop as low as 45 or go as high as 75. 1.7Ghz, 512Mb RAM. Raedon 9200 graphics card. Do you want any other info?