I follow rules governed by TGC as a moderator for the whole forum.
I follow policies set by them, if you cant look beyond that with personal insults to me, you are a sad person without clear thought to the subject.
I had a look at the FPSC forums to see what was going on and I found flagrant abuse between members, that wont be tolerated to any extent.
I have had complaints regarding this post and other posts by butter fingers with vulgarity in his documentation this morning.
Users who complain to me are emailing me because they feel the rules are being exploited for fan boys and favorite users, sorry thats not how the rules work around here. It may have been a status quo for a while but that will stop immediately.
I dont appreciate having to deal with silly little boys who flagrantly abuse the terms and conditions of this international forum area, when clearly its laid out for you. There is no need for moderators if the users had respect, clearly that utopia isnt going to happen, so the rules placed down are for all to follow.
The forum use is a privilege not a god given right, even if you paid for a product, and if you cant live by the rules governed to make it fair for all then consider leaving before your actions put you in bad light with moderators trying to make it safe for all.
It would be a shame to lose access to the forums as they are a great wealth of information and community, If you cant abide by them, then the tools given to us will encourage you either to behave or leave.
If there is no set clear rules then they will have to be amended, I am waiting on a solution to these problems happening again.
Its not a case of personal fanboys for me, its poilcy. I couldnt care less if your popularity is huge in one area of this forum, it gives you no right to baulk the rules.
Policy makes it easier to have to work out where things should be moved to, what rules govern what apsects. If we as moderators dont follow these rules there is no respect and no continuity.
As for your comments xpslosys I find them childish and contrived, but thats just my opinion and I only count as one person like everyone else. How about you let us do our jobs so this place is safe for everyone without fear of insult or bullying. If you cant fathom that having rules allows this place to be much easier for users and mods then you clearly are not thinking about it in a subjective manner.
Once the policy is defined we as moderators will make a decision regarding where media will live on the forums.
It may appear that the FPSC forums are going to need a drastic improvement in respect for fellow coders as well as rules and restrictions. If i get more complaints via email, I will make a concerted effort to make damm sure these issues discussed above will be removed from that area of TGC.