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Bug Reports / Shadow shader crashes sometimes with Intel GMA900 graphics

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 01:12 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2007 01:13
1.5Ghz Intel Pentium M
Intel 915 GPU (GMA900 Pixel Shader 2.0)
Windows XP SP2
DBP 6.3 + DX9c

Shadow shader example runs without crashing...

but only if i run the reflection shader example 1st

wierd eh?

Not an important fix, I'd rather you work on sorting out the media built in .exe problems 1st
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 02:31
Provide a code snippet or 2

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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 12:26

Quote: "Provide a code snippet or 2"

You should already have the code somewhere in the Help/Examples folder - it looks like one of the standard DBPro examples to me. I'm at work at the moment so can't check - but I think if you look in the Help files under "sphere mapping available", etc, you'll find the example.

I'll try this example again myself when I get home - I vaguely recall seeing odd behaviour with it when I tried it some time back.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 17:07
Quote: "You should already have the code somewhere in the Help/Examples folder - it looks like one of the standard DBPro examples to me. I'm at work at the moment so can't check - but I think if you look in the Help files under "sphere mapping available", etc, you'll find the example."

K, I will check it out

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 17:49 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2007 18:01
Sorry, I should have said, shader example can be found in

help/F1 -> Commands -> Basic 3D Commands -> Set Shadow Shading On -> View Showcase Example.

I think it's my graphics card its not very recommended for games but it was the best Intel made at the time of buying my cheapo Dell laptop a year ago. I know it does its vertex shading in CPU which can cause some problems. I think it's based on the Power VR Kyro chipset which is supposed to get faster as you CPU gets faster. Created by VideoLogic, used in the Sega Dreamcast, sold to ST Micro Electronics and now used under licence by Intel.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 18:29
I tried all the different modes out and even tried the shadows on before the reflection mapping and it worked fine. I tried it about 3 or 4 different times. I am using 6.4 though, I know they changed some things with the cameras between 6.3 and 6.4, so your problem MIGHT be resolved in 6.4

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 23:12 Edited at: 23rd Feb 2007 23:12
You will have a nice nVidia or ATI card I expect.

I think this bug is probably specific to the Intel zero vertex pipeline cards only.

Maybe there is no fix for it, but its wierd it works sometimes but not others.
Green Gandalf
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 00:05
Quote: "I'll try this example again myself when I get home"

Easier said than done! Wouldn't even compile! On closer inspection the code seemed to have a random selection of missing ">"s and "<"s. Once these were restored to their rightful places everything seemed to work fine - well, nothing crashed at least. Some of the options looked completely different when you went back to them after trying a different option. Otherwise no problem.

I do think those example files need cleaning up - on my system there seem to be two project files in each case: one called, for example, "basic3d3-example.dbpro", and another called "basic3d3-example.dba.dbpro". Which ones are we supposed to be using?
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Posted: 25th Jun 2007 19:43
Just tried this in 1.066 and it's still the same

Shadow shading crashes unless reflection shading is switch on first.

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Posted: 11th Oct 2007 01:53
I have this problem with almost all my shaders.
Haven't tried to set the reflection shader first though.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2007 18:09
I've noticed this too, when using Evolved's soft shadow shader (it uses the DBP shadow shader, but softens it) and when applying it to something more complex than his example I get the crash and as I have on other occasions with the normal stencil shadow shader...though I never have before - perhaps an error whilst they were making updates somewhere down the line?

The Rabi

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