lol, Xeno, your no better...
anyway, good first try, but not good enough. Get some reference images, which you can pull of the net very easily, and set them up so when looking through a front viewport(in a modeler) you see the front reference picture, and so on for the right/left side of the reference picture. Try to line them up as best you can. People start in different areas, each saying this one place to start a huminoid mesh is better...but theres no real right way to start a human mesh. I personally start at the legs. Easy, simple. Depending on what poly limit your self, decide on how many faces you want to wrap around your leg. Now create a cylinder with that many faces, and extrude it about 8 times and then line up the ends of the cylinder with the joining of the foot and leg, and the other side with the leg into the waist. Now, at every major scale, or curve change in your leg, you should put a wrap of edges at, then in the front and side views, line up the edges and scale the wrap to the correct size. Do this to each major change in the legs form, and you got your self a decent looking leg.
Now do this to an arm, then to the body, then mold them together. This is your base mesh. From here you can start adding your detail, and start to define the body more, so it actually looks like a body.
Here's some reference of what i just explained. this is a model i just started, obviously a woman form. Now, what i've done is model the body/leg/and arm as sepereate objects, using 8 sided cylinders, extruded and edge loops scaled, to match my reference pictures. Now, i've started to mold the leg into the body, and soon will do the same with the arm. Hope this makes more sense with a picture.
(truespace's viewport render's very strangely, so it might look like she has a huge butt, but she dosn't
Good luck modeling!
edit: lol, indi beat me to the post. I actually started out doing limb modeling. When i started to get into 3d using Raydreams 3d(still love that program), one of my inspirations at the time was FFVII(which just came out). So i based all my models off of the FF7 models, which were limb models. It was untill the 8 installment that they started to get into vertex animation. THough even in 8, if you look very close, you can see that character meshes were made of several objects, not just one mesh.
current projects: Mystic Dream // red // battle room