Gee...I'll reserve any apologies for when I am convinced this is resovled...and I am not.
This site appears to be reputable and they appear to be the ones in the right at the moment.
Far be it from me to say that this forum member (who is accusing everybody of stealing his textures) is right and the site that is selling these textures is wrong.
Keith already said that he needs to send the .psds of the layers to a forum mod (there are four of us...take your pick).
If he has the original .psds of the layers that will go a long way in reloving this issue.
If he cannot provide them then he didn't make these textures.
It's a really simple solution to this problem and as far as I know Fiberfrag hasn't provided one of us mods with the .psds.
I resent the witch hunt bullcrap you's obvious that somebody stole something one way or the other and I intend to get to the bottom of this.
If the textures wee really Fiberfrag's why refund the guy for his pack.
Just present the evidence that is required and we weill take care of everything.
We can already prove these textures are for sale on the site in question.
Now we just have to find out who made them.
If Fiberfrag did make these textures and he provides the requested media for a mod to look at then he will get an apology from me and I will take care of this.
I bet otherwise but I will hold off judgement until he has a chance to do what has been requested.
You've sent me e-mails.Please send me the layers of the textures (not the textures themselves...anybody can do that) and when i can verify them i will make this all go away.
Otherwise,what I said before goes.
For all of you conspiracy nuts and withc hunt fanatics...I am going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other.
My suggestion would be that if you have nothing useful to contribute to this thread you do not post here.
If,for some reason,you have issues with the way moderation is done here on these forums feel free to e-mail the mod you have the issue with.
Please remember that the mods' decisions are not up for debate.
We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.