@Hammaman - Thank you for trying BlueIDE 2. Here is what I am running BlueIDE 2 on - 1.5 GHz Celeron M, 512 RAM, XP Home SP2. I test with a somewhat small project of 26 files, 7195 lines of code, 222 functions, 40 labels, 20 types, 347 variables. For me, my CPU is at 100% whenever I compile so that does not sound strange to me. Does any part of the "Option Explicit" run for you? And please try to compile with the option turned off to make sure that the rest of the compiling works for you.
@Genly Ai - Thank you.
@Everyone - Beta release 5 is up on SourceForge.
- Moved the option to associate .dba and .dbpro files with BlueIDE 2 to the Options Advanced tab. (updates registry)
- Made new icons for .dba and .dbpro files that are associated with BlueIDE 2.
- Improved intelliscense replacement of functions
* Corrected error of right frame not repositioning when resize window with the right frame "unpinned".
* Corrected error when opening last project on start up
* Corrected runonly error
- Removed the '.dba' from tab names
Thank you,