V1.2 Released
Okay just got the new V1.2 uploaded
Here's what it fixes/add:
-Code optimization
-Added a new texture for one of the enemy lasers since it just used the same as one of the others.
Here's the download link:
Comments, critics and suggestions would be nice. I could use it before the game is gonna get the pretty big make-over
Hi all!
Viberwars is a little top-down 3D shooter I've been working on, which is now done.
In the game, you control a UFO around, and then simply enough, you have to shoot down other UFO's. While some of the graphics might look like 2D, it's all happening in 3D. It has somekind of an Arcade feeling to it.
Gameplay footage:
All of the 3D objects are created by me, except the skysphere, which is from DarkMatter.
Also, all of the lovely textures and sprites are used from LimeFlyMedia.
I would also like to give thanks to Scraggle for his wonderful font pack, from which I used the font in the game.
The game features 4 types of different enemy UFO's, in a total of 15 levels. While 15 levels might not sound as much, I'm sure it's enough to keep you going for some time! And also, new levels can be scriptet easily anyway. So updates with new levels could be done, and the downloads for them would be very small in size, due to it being in LUA scripts.
Through the whole game you don't have more than 1 life. So it's about keeping as much energy as possible for the harder levels
Hehe. The game also have a simple highscore table.
The Controls
The controls are easy! You fly the UFO using the WASD keys. You aim with the mouse, and shoot using the LMB.
The Download
Here's the download for Viberwars V1.2B Release:
Please note that you'll need a compression program that supports rar to open it.
The standard resolution for the game is 1024x768x32. But it will support others. To change the resolution simply open the LUA file in the main folder(the Settings file) and change the resolution from there.
I hope you will enjoy the game! And comments and critics are more than welcome