This looks rather nice, i'd be willing to offer my help, if you send me an email i'd be glad to talk things through with you, i can send some work over to show you what i can do aswell.
I may only get a few nights to work on this though as i've started teaching again and its proving more of a handful than i remember...
If i can point something out too.
You can really clean that mesh up a lot, get rid of some triangles and make it much nicer for Unwrapping.
Just a few pointers, i made the lines red that i would get rid of, it may be a bit overkill to get rid of them all, but the bit i have circled definately needs some cleaning up. Just a few things i noticed, i personally would fix it but its totally up for you, if you do think about it logically though, that part of the weapon will only really be seen during a reloading animation or as the item on the floor, as it will be off the bottom of the screen or covered up by a part of a hand.
[Looking for work]