I never missed any point. You said what you wanted to, and I explained this has been said before(another was making a "free" protection application) and to not hold your breath. Both of our points on this discussion were expressed. Are you denying that others of similar stature within the community have not made similar claims only to have them fall at the wayside? Are you denying this is not the case when most post "ideas" and no project?
I have no reason to email you. That would take an effort I don't feel the need for. We'll see your application when you post it, and we can read all about it then. It's not that big of a deal to me to continue this behind closed doors.
And this is on topic. The question posed by forum member fpsfreak was:
Quote: "Ive searched but cant find a free Game Protection software. Do(*n't) point me too Phoenix or Vishnu(*but I need one please) (I dont have anything agaisnt them personally. I just dont want to pay for that.)"
My assessment of the question has the additions noted by "*" in the above quote. I think I filled in the question correctly, and answered the question to the best of my ability, and speaking no untruths about being weary of "VaporWare". I did not speak of ideas, or concepts, but what is available at the current time. I made no claim, and uttered no word of which I could not provide a direct answer or link to(meaning I can also link to so called apps that never were, as well). Was my assessment of third application for media protection unfounded? Is there one available at this time that I've missed in either the forums or the newsletters?
I'm not saying you can't do it. I'm just telling FPSFreak there are none available and to be leery of promises made, as users of any community have seen the best of intentions fall flat. (Hence: "Don't hold your breath.")
I guess I fail to see what "you" don't understand about my post. I try to come from the most logical, and sound, position possible any time I ever post. Very rarely will you see a "fluff" post from myself, other then thanking someone for giving to the community. On the other hand, when I do post, it is often long winded as so my words are not misconstrued.