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Joined: 24th Apr 2004
Posted: 9th Jul 2007 02:19
I get this error when I run this code:

(Parameter for 'AI Set Entity Idle Position' do not match 'Entity Number, PosX,PosZ').

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

Cash Curtis II
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Joined: 8th Apr 2005
Location: Corpus Christi Texas
Posted: 9th Jul 2007 04:00
Your error is telling you exactly what is wrong. You're feeding a function that sets the AI idle position the speed instead...

Quote: "AI Set Entity Idle Position count1, Speed#"

should be
Quote: "AI Set Entity Idle Position count1, x#, z#"

If you want to set the speed then you need to use the correct command.

Come see the WIP!
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Joined: 24th Apr 2004
Posted: 9th Jul 2007 05:12
Oh yeah, I totally wasn't thinking. I noticed that about 20 minutes after the post. Hey did you read my other post in DBPro Cash. I was wondering about what you meant.



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