(I address both
GatorHex and
Mr Kohlenstoff in this email.. so scroll if you its to wordy
@GatorHex - Thank you.
@GatorHex - My
and I were talking about how you and I ended up on the same topic/Game Type and how you have Multiplayer and I have hills and heli - and she recommended we combine. That would be tough - different coding styles etc. but I'm not opposed by any stretch. In the short term I'm very VERY happy to collaborate - who knows... My
is so thoughtful! I respect your opinion - your code, comments and game are great!
@GatorHex - THE MODEL (I admit IT!) Came from Character Shop, named "Ranger". Character shop is going to enter my "Tool Collection" because #1 - I can add like 63 other animations to that soldier with some work in CharacterShop - PLUS I can add those "animations" to other models as well... which means I can get similiar smooth running, jumping, crouching etc. accross different models (or creatures) just by (In theory) wrapping the model around the "Animation Bones" and cleaning up stray poly's that look weird. So in short - Download the CharacterShop Demo - there is a ranger - but only runs - maybe two other useless animations. I THINK it'll be worth it to get the program and have the full gambit. (It's on my "Next PayCheck" list with T.Ed.!)
@Mr Kohlenstoff - Thank you as well.
I believe I've seen submissions of your AI code, and if I'm not mistaken - you're quite the coder! I'm glad you can see progress! As for the Maps - I'm planning on getting T.Ed.
(Terrain Editor). I have looked at it more thoroughly and played with it enough where I retract previous statements about it being awkward. It's not bad at all once you dig in... Quite impressive actually. So I HOPE to figure out a DECENT Land modeling method - (Though I'm no Modeller) - and "terrain engine" to integrate T.Ed. with Iron Infantry.
Well, I currently have the editor open and I'm trying to come up with a generic "Site" "Hud" Solution so you know what you're hitting. I dropped the Shell Arc - executive decision to go less perfect and more for framerates and game play. Ray Casting is the way I think I can accomplish this. Less Code generally... Also starting to rethink how I work models when I want to have MANY but they don't all need to be onscreen... basically going to do better than camera distance for culling. I need to make those trees and things co-exist with exciting game play. Not easy in my book. "Add tons of EyeCandy" lose FPS, Make game barren - plays like a champ. I have a slow machine anyway compared to most gamers/developers on here - but its ok because that means on a real machine it should work great... in theory.
Just a comment to all - I've really been working hard on this project as I haven't made a game to completion since like 12 years ago - 2D though - but I made an entire adventure contruction set - level editors, tiling, placing objects, keys, door opens traps, fighting baddies zelda style... just tons of business programming which is not as fun as seeing your code "come to life" in animation!
Well - the code editor is open and time is a precious commodity!
Good Day and thank you for the encouragement!!!!