Another Update: I have written a lot of tools over that few months, classes, an Opp Library that keeps growing, I have a ton
of pieces of my game's jigsaw puzzle coming together.
My Next MAIN Goal is an "IN-GAME" Editor which will be a parallel development process for both game and a game level/mission editor.
In order to REALLY have the right tools for the job however - I need to write a DarkGDK GUI that works in full screen or windowed mode because to date - no one has anything that's ready for prime time. So... My GUI development has begun!
I'm borrowing many property names from familiar "GUI" schemas like C#'s and FreePascal's Lazarus project. In short the GUI system will be alot of "same old same old" for programmer's who have been around awhile.
Making a GUI isn't enough, I also NEED a GUI designer.... otherwise what's the point? Writing X,Y coord's by hand? BAH!
Well.. Time for bed now... and LOTS to do tomorrow and over the next month. Hopefully I can move quickly and have the quality I'm looking for.
Wish Me Luck!
Jason P Sage