1. Go into front view in Blender and delete the default cube.
2. Press [SpaceKey]->Add->Curve->Bezier Curve
3. The default curve should come up. Select the vertice to the right and press [R] to rotate it. While rotation, type in '45' to rotate it 45 degrees. Now you should have a straight curve.
4. By selecting various vertices and moving/rotating them, you can create a nice shape for a track piece. You can also add more vertices by pressing 'E' when you have a vertice selected. Here's a screenie of what I imagine you're looking for:
5. Go back into object mode. Before doing anything, select your new curve object and press 'S'. Make it much smaller. Now go into the top view. Make a new bezier curve the same way you did earlier. Shape the curve in to what you want to make your track look like. Here's how it might look:
6. Now, while in edit mode, look for an input box labeled BevOb. In this box, you want to type in the name of the object that you want to bevel along the curve. In this case, it should be '
Curve'. MAKE SURE YOU USE MATCH THE CAPIALIZATION OF THE OBJECT NAME. In this case, the 'C' must be capitalized. Type it in. Then hit enter. If you've done what I told you, you should see this:
At first, you may think that you could've done all of this much faster using a different method. However, with curves, there are a lot of things you can do now:
-You can change the DefResolU Paramater to make it more/less detailed
-You can select 3D in the curve panel, then go into edit mode and raise/lower different track parts to add some excitement to the track.
And that's just two. There are many more, but that's not part of the tutorial (;
NOTE::If you want to export it to darkBASIC, you have to convert the track into a mesh. Select it, and press [Alt-C]. Select mesh. There ya go. Hope this helped, if you need an explanation on any part, please tell me