Make the turning faster, as well as the movement...
position object x,object position x(x),object position y(x)+gravity#,object position z(x)
well, that's about as basic as it gets, say gravity#=(a number>#), and you've got jumping.
And then if there's object collision on the y axis have gravity#=0
What this does is make you fall at # faster every frame, just like real gravity.
Of course, you'll have to have working collision in place for this to work, which I don't know if you have yet. You might, I just don't know.
If you don't, and are using dbpro, don't use the native collision commands. For some reason it stops this gravity code from working. I recommend Sparkys Collision. If you're using dbc, then the native collision will work fine, though I still recommend Sparkys over it.
Superman wears Chuck Norris PJ's