Welcome to the forums, here a few tips,
(1). Don't act like Serjo Adjo. (i.e.
(2). Please start out with pong, I had to learn this the hard way.
(3). Don't attempt an MMORPG or any other MMO.
(4). Don't start out the way I did (i.e.
This Thread)
(5). Enjoy the forums and stick to one project at a time, I learned that the hard way as well.
(6). Use proper grammar please! Don't talk like this, (hallo! i wnt 2 make n ubr mmorpg. can some1 gizme teh codez?
(7). Don't ever make a religious or love life thread in Geek Culture. (I learned that the hard way).
(8). Always read the tutorials and stickies, sometimes they can have a load of information about 2D and 3D games as well.
(9). Need some help? Use the search button before asking questions.
(10). Want to play around or use code for your game, search in the Code Snippets or the Codebase.
These tips by KYP:
11.) Don't jump in to threads saying something completely random.
12.) This is an example of a noob (I think he was fake). (
XxX emerson lol xoxo)
These tips should get you to a normal TGC member. If you break one these tips you should be okay (as long is the tip isn't the one about me or Serjo or the emerson dude).