I have a story and need some voices and some suggestions. Here is the story line: There is a good marine who is a young and a good marine, and he gets really good and reaches the Special forces. The fbi(before the new guy gets to special ops) controls lab where the scientists tried to make an army of men that are constructed at birth by changing the genes, and the scientists try to make a single guy who will be "invensible".
Well the scientists scam the gov't and gets a bunch of money from the banks all over but they won't pay it back. So the gov't sends some cops to shut them down. A week later, only the heads were found. So the fbi sends some guys in.They die too. So then the special ops sends the marine in(you)along w/ five others. Slowly you find out what happens and slowly everyone but u dies. U eventuallly become alone and you ALONE find out about everything goin on. I cant say any mor e cuz itll ruin it but could yall plzz help me w/ the voices- i need female voices, robot voices, alien voices, evil lil girl and boy voice and some body guard voices. I also need to get some voices for the fbi, special ops sergent, thhe cops, zombies, the big bad daddy, and MORE!!!!!!!( sorry its so long...lol).... if you want to help email me at joeblonde13@yahoo.com thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ravens r watching u!