Jackasses? There are very few Jackasses that count as the regular, though miscommunications are easily made - once somebody thought I was being arrogant when I was being friendly and extravagant at the same time.
Jackasses tend to be the ones who keep on getting banned, break the rules regularly and wind up the forum members - few learn their lesson, others give up.
On the note of breaking rules it might help noting that and starting a thread like this (especially in this section) and making posts like that count as breaking the AUP. When people turn on you with negativity tends to be when you're breaking the AUP, some people aren't very forgiving when it comes to the AUP because we demand a clean and tidy forum - it may sound pedantic, but as soon as there's too much leniance a level of chaos may arise.
As for belittling people, I hope no one does that, otherwise I'll hack their address and hunt them down to throw kababs at their windows.
I love Nancy DrewG, but not insert brain here