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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Myricals arc: New thread

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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 15:19 Edited at: 12th Apr 2008 19:50
“My name is Zen, but that’s all I’m going to tell you...
Buried in a war with only one possible outcome, I really don’t feel like talking about myself...
You’ll probably want to know about Myrical, the Arc and the Council of Five... Well right now I can’t help you... These secrets will be laid to rest with the bodies of ever man on this field... Or what’s left of them anyway...
However, maybe I’ll let you see this war through my eyes. Only then would you finally understand the horrors of Earth’s history. It used to be a civilisation... Now it’s just a graveyard...
My name is Zen. I am one of Arc’s last few remaining soldiers, sentenced to feed the fires of a hopeless war, raging for all eternity...”

In the year 2100, a brutal war began which raged throughout the world. Entire cities were destroyed. No one was left standing.

There was a soldier named Myrical who believed in a free world: a world at peace. However, the great war that blighted the planet prevented her dream from becoming a reality. And so she set out to build a silent army: an army that worked in the shadows. She created a specialist unit, trained as masters of stealth, whose sole purpose would be to destroy key enemy resources across the globe.

Myrical was determined to bring peace to the world, but she was doubted by many. She was another rebel, just waiting to be arrested and executed by the Council of Five.

Myrical saw herself as Noah; the building of her army like the building of his arc. She made the decision to name her project the “Arc Army” to emphasize her beliefs. Few thought it possible. She was only one woman. It would take time, patience and perseverance.

By 2110 Myrical had miraculously gathered a small unit of soldiers. One year later, Arc was the most feared fighting force on the planet. They were well trained, fearless and cunning, ready to give their lives for their cause: To defeat their enemy, the Council of Five.

The council consisted of five emperors, each controlling one of the five imperial armies. They had been an unstoppable fighting force. That was before Arc had been created. The council suffered many losses and for a time it seemed that they would finally be overthrown, until they made a fatal discovery: Arc’s stronghold. The council were ruthless and sent every soldier they could muster to level it to the ground. As the vast armies marched towards her base, Myrical allowed her forces to flee. She alone stood at the gates of the stronghold. She alone was brave enough to stand against the Council of Five. Myrical fought with all the strength she had.

That day...

Myrical fought an empire…

It is now the year 2130. Arc continues to march against the Empire. The future looks hopeless and progress is slow. However, two of the five have been slain. Although this is a great achievement, it has forced the remaining three emperors into a high state of alert.
You are a soldier in Arc named “Zen”. You know what the stakes are. You know what you are fighting for. Your mission is simple... Defeat the empire... win the war...
“Myrical’s Arc follows the story of the Arc armies struggle to defeat the Council of three. You take on the role of “Zen”, a soldier in the army, driven on by his comrades and his leader, General Lee. Using what little technology you have and your own battle sense you will have to overcome the legions of the Council and the obstacles they have set against you. The deficit of health and ammo breaks this game away from the hoards of run and gun shooters. You will have to use every resource available to you just to stay alive...

and for more info on the game visit can download the demo here:;9995810;/fileinfo.html


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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 15:24
Here are some screens for the demo.


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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 15:34
Another one.


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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 15:35
One last one.


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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 16:36
Looks pretty nice. Soory, but I won't be able to download the demo. I wish I could though; this game looks sick!

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Posted: 9th Feb 2008 17:42
thanks alot!

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Posted: 10th Feb 2008 09:51
Looks good so far. The story is pretty deep which is something you hardy see in FPSC games, so well done on that!

As a suggestion, I'd reccomend getting some more media, buy a few segment/entity packs from these forums or TGC. The more you have,the better it looks.

Anyway, keep it up, want to see some more updates.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2008 15:23
Thank you, on the storyline. I wrote the organal draft, and Code red produtions (buttmonkey), rewrite it to make it prefect. I do have some media, but Not to much in the demo. ill post some more screens for the game today.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2008 18:29

Why did you make a new thread?

And if you have a story, how would you portray it ingame?

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Posted: 10th Feb 2008 19:18
I made a new thread becuse the other one was really just everyware. When i say that i mean unorganised. and 70% of the screens on there were of lvs that arnt in the game any more.

Well im working with code red produtions on this game and one of there guys is great with sound zones. and another guy that wroks with them (forum name buttmonkey)is makeing loading screen text.

So through out the game your general talks to you and when the game is loading there will be a mission breffing...

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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 00:55 Edited at: 11th Feb 2008 01:16
screen of lv 5


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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 00:58
Quote: "screen of lv 5"

in the immortal words of cheeshead you are a forum ruiner guy!
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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 02:32
Screen(s) look good, GPP. Your game makes me want to get MP 9 & 10 (hopefully I do get it someday).

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Butt monkey
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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 13:28
The game is shaping up GP. I think you should get some more subtle colours of lightmaps though so you can get dynamic shadows on the objects etc.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2008 02:55
thank you guys. o ya and butt monkey is apart of the Myricals arc team thats the reson for him having the Myricals arc poster as his sig. i only got mp 10. But i always think about that pustole with a scoop. it looks so cool. but ya mp 10 is really great. sorry for the lake of screen ill have a bunch more up on wensday hopfully.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2008 18:27 Edited at: 13th Feb 2008 18:28
here are some new screens.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 13th Feb 2008 22:59
<3 the outdoor parts.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2008 23:06
hay every one progress on the trialer has begon. we are having a professional animater form code red produtions make it so it should tern out pretty good.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 05:19 Edited at: 16th Feb 2008 05:20
Ive started a new lv 1. the old lv 1 will be lv 2 and lv 2 will be lv 3 and so on. here is some screens of lv 1

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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 05:23
Those look epic! Bookmarked for later.
Butt monkey
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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 12:16
Looks great!

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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 21:39
u have improved drastically since ur last game.

in the immortal words of cheeshead you are a forum ruiner guy!
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Posted: 17th Feb 2008 02:37
yes i have. my last game was very unprofeshanl and somwhat puthetec.

there will be alot of changes coming to the game soon. a new lv 1 and probably alot of new lvs also we plan to have custom loading screens and custom meanus in the full vresion there will be alot of cut seens and sound exs and the game will really flow the story line

sneack peek: we plan to make lv 1 an epic ascape if you read in the story line myricals arc otld the base ot flee as she stude her ground. in the 1st lv you will be trying to escap the base. we plan to make this lv very exiting with lots of exploshions people being blown up and so on.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 22:16
all the screens you see here will most likly not be in the game. we are complety redoing the game exept for the storyline. we are finishing up lv 2 now. the new demo will be relesed on a new thread and it will inclode cut scenes all the vo's and everything els that will be in the full game

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 00:38
are you a perfectionist because these look great

well how many polys do you have there?
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 01:27
Lol, yes and so is the rest of the team. thanks alot though. you see there is going to be much better lighting and lv disign and there we plan to have cut secens and vo's. Right now im wokring on a new website so ill post when it is done so you can see what your looking at for the new lvs.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 03:07
ok the new wedsite is up and running. Ill have more screens on it befor monday

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 04:36
i played the demo could barely beat it but had a great time looking at the beutiful scenry and lighting

well how many polys do you have there?
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 14:16
wow thanks alot. but i know the new demo (should be out befor the end of march) will be much better.

btw: i sent you an email Dude232

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Posted: 5th Mar 2008 14:47
the plot is very nice but I do have some constructive criticism in the screen shots everything I saw was what came with fpsc or from a pack will you be making any custom entities or textures? anyway I'm downloading the demo now I will tell you what I think later

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Posted: 6th Mar 2008 00:08
umm, i posted already , this isnt what Myricals arc is really going to be like. we started over. Right now we are working on lv 3 and the sound and story zones for the lvs. sorry we dont have much but ill get new s creens up in like 5 min.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2008 01:01
here are some screens of the new veirson. there not great becuse the lvs are still being worked on

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 03:24
ok guys I just wont everyone to know that we are making prosses. Im finishing up lv three and we plan to get in vo's by the end of march. thank you ill put up screeens of tommorow

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 04:42
Nice! Can't wait to play a demo!


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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 05:43
This project looks fantastic! Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing more!

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 14:11
Ok so im not really shere when the demo will be released becuse I may get everything in alot sooner then I amagened but thats only a very little posibilty.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 14:24 Edited at: 20th Mar 2008 14:36
here are some lv three screens

these are some screens of lv one

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 14:26
Jeez, you sure do like that CQBR, don't you? Ha, no matter - it's my favorite weapon, too. Myrical's Arc is coming along nicely, GP. 10/10.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 14:38
Quote: "Myrical's Arc is coming along nicely, GP. 10/10"

Wow thanks alot dude, I have been working very hard so people tellin me stuff like that is very nice. When the rest of the guys im working with get on steam Ill see what I can do about a demo somtime befor the end of march.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 15:10
i like how u dont "over crowd" ur rooms. it makes them realistic.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 15:11
I agree.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 15:24
Ya that just taks alot of practice with fpsc. you have to learn how to make it so there alot of invierment but not just a bunch of junk that makes it look lam. ty for the comments agin.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2008 16:08
Hay I have a question about loading screen. If I have one made like a picture or somthing how do I put it in so its the loading screen? I know theres most likly a thread out there for this but i cant find it....

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Posted: 21st Mar 2008 21:40
I played this and died a lot!
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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 01:34
...Ok well 1st of all the demo that you played wasnt the demo for Myricals arc now, that was the old demo befor we restarted... And I think games are more fun if theres a chalange so you can expect that in MA.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 16:27
ok everyone we have been doin a bunch of retexturing and will be finishing up with it soon. ill post all of the speshes hopfully somtime today. so fare we have human, syborg, alien, and we are working on an orc. and then there is the counsla mebers we have one of them being a cyborg and are still working on thwe others ov we may have more or less then what i have just said becuse we are wokring on them still.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 20:28
Ok we have came apone some problumes in making all the speshes, so for now all we have done is the cyborg race and the counsal member cyborg and the slitly retextured AI unit. We plane to make 2 or 3 more races but for now here is what we have.

this is the counsal meber cyborg

normal cyborg

Robo grunt

Butt monkey
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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 20:37
PS: Top 2 done by me.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 21:27
Nice retextures!
You have drasticly improved since you last try at a game!Keep it up!

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Posted: 24th Mar 2008 21:29
thank you and yes butt monkey is my main man when it comes to stuff like retexutring and loading screens

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