weirdest and most confusing explination ever coffee xD
To move a sprite around you must change the X and Y values of where you draw the sprite. Store them off in two variables, say:
int nSpriteX = 0;
int nSpriteY = 0;
and then use the arrow keys to add to or subtract from those values. You can use dbKeyState and dbScanCode and the ascii codes coffee mentioned to do this, but if you just want arrow keys then there are easier commands to do that. you can use dbLeftKey(), dbRightKey(), dbUpKey() and dbDownKey().
for example, to move the sprite left and right:
if (dbLeftKey()) {
nSpriteX -= 4;
if (dbRightKey()) {
nSpriteX += 4;
Try the same with the up and down keys and modify the nSpriteY variable instead to move it up and down. Then just draw the sprite to nSpriteX and nSpriteY! You can replace 4 with any "speed" you want.
Try playing with that until you understand it