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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Tutorial: Make a Multitextured entity with Sketchup

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 12:49 Edited at: 5th Jun 2008 16:38
How to make a (multitextured) entity for FPSCreator with Sketchup

a mini tutorial by daarboven

This is my first tutorial so bear with me if i don't make myself perfectly clear

For this tutorial you will need:

-GoogleSketchup (which is pretty obvious if you look at the title of this tute)
-the xporter plugin for sketchup, grab it here for free:
and put it in your Sketchup plugins directory.

Thus prepared, let's get our hands dirty (ok, just the tips )

1)making a simple model (with multiple textures)
Fire up sketchup and make a box. refer to the manual if you don't know how to do this or get a copy of sketchup for dummies(highly recommended and a nice read). Texture the faces of the box with the bucket (use images, NOT colours!), results should look something like this:

Now goto plugins>DirectX>Export Model...

and export to a folder of your choice

the textures will be saved to this folder along with the .x file.

2)setting up the model (and tailoring an .fpe file to our needs)
Now lets close Sketchup and move to our entitybank folder in the fpsc filestructure.

Create a new folder under entitybank and move all files from your sketchup export here.

Now copy over an .fpe file and change the following lines:

desc = [your file description goes here without brackets]

model = [your .x filename goes here without brackets]

defaultstatic = [must be 0 to make your entity dynamic by default]

textured = [leave absolutely blank!]

so our example multibox.fpe reads like this:

if you want a nice icon instead of the brain-in-a-glass, make a 64x64 .bmp and save it under the name of your entity in the said folder.

3) Let's play!

Run FPSCreator and create a quick test scene. Grab your entity from the entity folder and put it on stage.
Voila, you just made a multitextured entity from scratch!

Now go and create something beautiful...

best regards


*ps: the correct segment scale for the export plugin is 254cm=1 segment width.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 13:32
Could I add this to the guide?

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 13:46
Go ahead, always a pleasure to serve!


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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 16:13 Edited at: 5th Jun 2008 16:14
i hawe GoogleSketchup pro but i dont hawe plugins>DirectX>Export Model
onli 3ds wher can i dovnload the plugin
i think im blind i find the exporter
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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 16:36
maybe reading the first paragraphs of my tute help you. look out for blue underlined text. thats what is called a hyperlink to the file.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 19:43
mine just appear black not with textures i have multiple ones per folder but they all have there textures there and i pasted in what you said to the .fpe file.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 20:12
I use a method like this for 3DWS. Thanks anyway!

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 22:43
This is a good tutorial. Just wondering, will it still work with SketchUp free, because I thought you couldn't export anything decent with that?

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 22:55
I guess it will work with the free version since it is a (ruby) plugin that exports your mesh, not an exporter build in the file menue.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 23:05
yeah only plugin i got is sketcy physics

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Posted: 6th Jun 2008 21:48
Hey, what are those cool toolbars you got in SU? Are they some kind of plugins?

Nice tutorial BTW.
Weblox Studioz
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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 00:51
Nice tutorial!!

Question: Did you check the multitexture model in the compiled game

I remember trying to get multitexture-ojects in my games too & it
worked fine in test scene - in the compiled game I ended with blank
white objects though ( probably becuz the .fpe won´t ask the x-file
for its defined textures and will only load textures specified in
the .fpe itself).


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Posted: 1st Jul 2008 21:38
In the test game im only getting white on my model the textures wont show up, but they show up when im puttin the model in the editor and even when i right click on the model so what am i doing wrong
Night Raven
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Posted: 1st Jul 2008 22:00
Hi and thanks for the tuto!

I would like to know how add a plugin like the xporter plugin code i the tuto

(Copy/paste the code in a .txt ?)

Please, I need help

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2008 19:28 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2008 19:30
@tayo its sketchy physics (fun to play with) and soapskinbubble(great modeling tool for tensile structures like tents or stretched skin)

@weblox no i didn't but will check that some day soon thanks for the hint!

@ nowdie try to delete your .bin and .dbo files of that model in question maybe...

@ night raven if i get you right you need to know how to install plugins in sketchup...
save the file (its a text file in the ruby programming language) with the .rb extension (right click and "save target as...")
go to your sketchup installation folder and there to a folder called plugins, drop the .rb file there and restart sketchup.Which is the right procedure with 99% of all ruby plugs for sketchup out there.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2008 19:41
Wow, I will try (finally, It's not very hard!)

Thanks very much for your help

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Posted: 21st Jul 2008 20:55
I know this is a bit of a bump, but I found this tutorial pretty helpful. I do have one question about Sketchup, though. What's the scale for FPSC? How many Sketchup feet in 1 FPSC segment?

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2008 00:41 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2008 00:42
@gunn3r: That depends on if you export from SketchUp pro via .3ds or if you use the .x export plugin which is imho available for both the free and pro version.
.3ds exports like 100cm : 100 segment subunits(=1 Segment)**
.x plugin exports with 254cm : 100 segment subunits(=1 Segment)

I'm to lazy to calculate that to feet right now but you'll get the hang of it anyway, i hope

**be sure to set "model units" to 1 in the export options.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2008 02:41
Thanks for that. Helps out a bunch. I'll do the conversion on my end.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 5th Aug 2008 14:00 Edited at: 5th Aug 2008 14:07
Quote: "*ps: the correct segment scale for the export plugin is 254cm=1 segment width."

how do you change the segment scale for the export plugin? Also can you change the output files, like texture format.

Quote: "**be sure to set "model units" to 1 in the export options."

where are the export options? I dont see any.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2008 01:04
I have a few questions, where is the website that the exporter is located and do I need some other plug-in if I have the free version of sketch up to export models?
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Posted: 6th Aug 2008 02:55
ok even though the models are exported into fpsc with its texture the collisions of the models dont work correctly
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Posted: 6th Aug 2008 06:39 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 00:05
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Posted: 6th Aug 2008 08:44 Edited at: 6th Aug 2008 09:07
Quote: "Quote: how do you change the segment scale for the export plugin? Also can you change the output files, like texture format.
where are the export options? I dont see any.

You don't change the scale but model your stuff to a certain scale depending on your planned export. So if you export with the DirectX plugin a box of 254cm sidelength would fit into one segment exactly whereas you export the same box via .3ds format (SketchupPro only) it would be 2,54 segments wide if you had set your .3ds export options to 1:1 regarding the model units. Once again:
with the Directx plugin for the free version you cannot set any options besides the export of the whole model or textured faces only, but this plugin was used for the tutorial.
if you have pro and do not depend on multitexture, i strongly recomend you export your model via .3ds, uv map and make it an .x file in milkshape or similar and make it an entity via entity workshop or "make entities from xfiles", whatever floats your boat . Or export a single textured .x with the plugin but then mapping it is a little harder as you have to map it in Sketchup prior to export.
The texture export of the plugin depends on the texture input format. if you use jpg, it's jpg. If you use tga, well, you guessed it?

Sketchup Lesson:
If you ever run into the problem to rescale/resize a whole model yo can do this with the tape measure tool in Sketchup. Simply press control while measuring one length that you want to rescale, put the value of your desired length in the ValueControlBox (simply type it after measuring) and then Sketchup will ask you if you want to resize the whole model-
Example:you have a box of 100x100x100cm now you take the tape measure, click on one edge of your box, press control while dragging with your tape measure along to the other edge of your corner, now release the mouse, type 254cm instantly and then a dialog pops up asking you if you want to resize bla bla. Now your box shoud be 254x254x254cm.

Quote: "I have a few questions, where is the website that the exporter is located "

did you read my tute? I put the link to the plugin near the top of it :
Quote: "
-GoogleSketchup (which is pretty obvious if you look at the title of this tute)
-the xporter plugin for sketchup, grab it here for free:
and put it in your Sketchup plugins directory."

And yes, it is for the free version.

@Nowdie can you describe this more specific, please?

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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 09:03
Hey man, nice tut, I am creating massive buildings and stuff!
One question, is there a way to make the entity smaller all at once? Because it appears waaay to big in FPSC. Thanks heaps!

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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 09:04 Edited at: 8th Aug 2008 09:04
Goto Tools>Scale or adjust the .fpe: scale = 50

EDIT: Testing new signature... Whatcha think?

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 09:29
Nice, and thanks, still new to modeling

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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 09:35
Thanks. And so am I. I just happen to use the scale feature a bit, so I know where it's at.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 09:36
Yea, thanks again, now I know how to move it to center also!!! Lol can't believe I missed that, thanks man!

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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 14:55 Edited at: 8th Aug 2008 14:56
My model did not show up in the test run...

I did exactly as you said. Is there something I might have missed?

Edit: My model and textures show up in the editor.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 17:35
Yeah, I am getting a fully textured model in the editor, and once test game is run and opened, the model is fully textured with only ONE of the textures. And, it's always the same one, but I left the textured field blank in the .fpe...

Help is much appreciated!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2008 03:01
Mine is doing the same as Aaron's.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2008 08:43
did you use image textures? colors won't work!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2008 11:08
cool this is a good tip. it should be a sticky

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Posted: 9th Aug 2008 17:48
Yes I used image textures, everything exported fine. I placed the textures and the .x in a file folder with an .fpe and everything.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2008 02:09
Thank you so much for this, I can fanlly make compltly custom media games all on my own!!!

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Posted: 12th Aug 2008 22:33
I used images. Do the default sets not work or something?

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Posted: 13th Aug 2008 01:27
did you export with the plugin or did you export to fpsc with entity workshop-which will NOT work?

I am Jacks complete lack of surprise.
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:07
the textures in my model won"t appear, instead i get all white.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:20
when i export a model and get it fpsc ready in the game the player collision happens before i even get to the model its almost like a boxes collision and if you find a way around that its like you can just walk in and out of your models
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:24
defaultstatic = [must be 0 to make your entity dynamic by default]

check .fpe file and make this is correct and yoou should be able to see your model
Johnny Butt
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 16:43
hello everybody,
thanks for the post that's what i've been looking for for a long time..
though i still have the same problem, i see the textured entity in the room-creator but when i start the game or the quick preview it's completely white.
in the fpsc guide i read about saving textures info in a tga file. can this be the problem? and, can i solve it with sketchup?
by the way, does anybody see the created entity with textures in the game?

thanks everybody!
Johnny Butt
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Posted: 24th Aug 2008 18:28
anybody answer?
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Posted: 4th Sep 2008 20:38 Edited at: 4th Sep 2008 20:41
Thanks for the great tutorial. It's actually made me more enthusiastic about making models, now I know I can use SketchUp.
Just one question though...

I want to make a model which has a lot of textures, but I don't want all of the textures to be seperate files (as there would be a lot). Is there a way to make all the images onto one image like some models have in FPSC?

Oh, and also, do all of the models HAVE TO be in dynamic mode or is that just me?

Thanks, in advance and thanks again for the tutorial.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 07:52
Hmmm, my models only show up with one of the textures also...

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 18:07
This is most useful since my UV maps tend to contain conflicting polygons. Thanks for sharing!

The 40 Year Old Gamer
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Posted: 10th Sep 2008 23:21
Has anyone figured out how to get the models to display multi-textures in the game build? I've got few issues displaying in the map editor but when I build the game, the model doesn't even show up. I'm using the "free" path with the direct .x export from Sketchup.

Seems like there's a lot of potential here...but I don't see that it works in game.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 06:11
I'be been messing around with this for a day now and think I've got it down. In addition, I've figured out how to create the model in the free version of Google Sketchup, use Entity Workshop to apply multiple textures to the various model pieces (eliminating the minor hassle of editing the fpe file) and get them in game, visible and textured.

The method is really just a mixture of darbooven's Sketchup multi-textured level tutorial (just search sketchup, but you probably already have) and the method described in this thread.

One key difference is that I use Rad3D's plugin for Direct X export (generic DirectX option). You can find that here:

I believe that leaving the .fpe texture key/value pair blank works in the map editor for multiple textures, but not "in game." By creating "pieces" of an entity based on a common texture - you're able to build a single model in Sketchup, separate it using materials and groups (or just groups) and reassemble it in FPSC (with a little time and love).

I've attached a screenshot of the assembled model running in the game engine (not a test level). Nothing fancy but the two textures were added to separate models in Entity Workshop then reassembled in the FPSC map editor.

Hope all this is clear.

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The 40 Year Old Gamer
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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 06:16
One more note - the scale appears to be 30' in sketchup = 1 segment in FPSC. That's not precise, just an approximation. When I arrive at the exact measurement, I'll update the thread.

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The 40 Year Old Gamer
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Posted: 14th Sep 2008 06:47
The scale appears to be 31' 6". If anyone is struggling with this, let me know and I'll create a video tutorial. I know it always helps me when I can "see" how it's done.

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