Just for the record. Its the FPSC Mods around here that decide what constitutes an infringement of the rules. What is acceptable and what is not. This is not.
When I have time to look through this more carefully I will decide what if any further action to take against any of the individuals concerned.
In the mean time any further reputition of bad behaviours in threads or posts by anyone in the forums will result in immediate action being taken to curtail the persons involved.
As you have been warned once here and now any further reputition will bring severe action against those concerned immediately and without further warning.
If you are posting further about this or any other issue please make sure you do not start multiple threads and whatever you feel about another persons work or the individual do not be offensive.
If one person is offensive then do not retalliate or all those concerned will be penalised.
Be polite and behave in a courteous, civilised manner at all times is the rule and there are no exceptions.
I or other FPSC Mods will crack down hard if you cant control yourselves.
I cleaned these boards taking severe action against bad behaviours and the perportraitors last in December. Make no mistake about it I will do so again if I have to. I will remove serious offenders from these boards for a very long time if I have to.
You have been warned.